Area code 48 (Konin)
Local time
81 258
81 258
Emergency phone number
Area code 48 - Konin
Konin is located in Poland and has area code 48.
When calling a person or company located in Konin from abroad,
you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code.
In this case +4848 followed by the phone number.
Local time and other details
Local time in Konin is 02:40. Konin has a population of 81 258 citiciens (2019-09-05).
Konin - Postal numbers
Konin has 25 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal number | Municipality | County | Lon/Lat |
62-500 | Konin | Greater Poland | 18.2567/52.2279 |
62-510 | Konin | Greater Poland | 18.295/52.2309 |
62-105 | Koninek | Greater Poland | 17.315/52.8669 |
62-045 | Koninek | Greater Poland | 16.2983/52.5438 |
62-045 | Konin | Greater Poland | 16.3154/52.524 |
62-045 | Konin-Huby | Greater Poland | 16.3231/52.5405 |
62-023 | Koninko | Greater Poland | 17.0164/52.3087 |
64-310 | Konin | Greater Poland | 16.1931/52.4793 |
26-004 | Kakonin | Świętokrzyskie | 20.9205/50.8711 |
42-240 | Konin | Silesia | 19.2581/50.8654 |
83-260 | Okoniny | Pomerania | 18.1712/53.9477 |
83-260 | Okoninki | Pomerania | 18.182/53.9497 |
39-100 | Okonin | Subcarpathia | 21.5536/50.0327 |
34-735 | Konina | Lesser Poland | 20.1221/49.6101 |
95-200 | Konin | Łódź Voivodeship | 19.2851/51.7003 |
68-120 | Konin Żagański | Lubusz | 15.1957/51.5449 |
67-124 | Konin | Lubusz | 15.696/51.6833 |
21-003 | Jakubowice Konińskie | Lublin | 22.5329/51.2994 |
21-003 | Jakubowice Konińskie-Kolonia | Lublin | 22.5265/51.3218 |
89-530 | Okoniny | Kujawsko-Pomorskie | 18.0711/53.6807 |
89-530 | Okoniny Nadjeziorne | Kujawsko-Pomorskie | 18.1002/53.6806 |
85-511 | Okoninek | Kujawsko-Pomorskie | 18.0293/53.5922 |
89-511 | Okoninek | Kujawsko-Pomorskie | 18.0289/53.592 |
87-517 | Okonin | Kujawsko-Pomorskie | 19.2257/53.0141 |
86-330 | Okonin | Kujawsko-Pomorskie | 18.9015/53.434 |
Reported phone numbers in Konin
The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.
+48632227677 | +48 63 222 76 77 | 63 222 76 77 | tel:+48-63-222-76-77 |
+48632231048 | +48 63 223 10 48 | 63 223 10 48 | tel:+48-63-223-10-48 |
+48632281035 | +48 63 228 10 35 | 63 228 10 35 | tel:+48-63-228-10-35 |