Area code 48 (Krosno)
Local time
47 784
47 784
Emergency phone number
Area code 48 - Krosno
Krosno is located in Poland and has area code 48.
When calling a person or company located in Krosno from abroad,
you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code.
In this case +4848 followed by the phone number.
Local time and other details
Local time in Krosno is 07:25. Krosno has a population of 47 784 citiciens (2019-09-05).
Krosno - Postal numbers
Krosno has 23 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal number | Municipality | County | Lon/Lat |
62-105 | Krosno | Greater Poland | 17.2678/52.855 |
62-050 | Krosno | Greater Poland | 16.8342/52.2253 |
11-130 | Krosno | Warmia-Masuria | 20.186/54.1289 |
14-400 | Krosno | Warmia-Masuria | 19.6026/54.064 |
77-141 | Krosnowo | Pomerania | 17.3567/54.2366 |
16-080 | Krosno | Podlasie | 22.6911/53.2291 |
39-400 | Krosno | Subcarpathia | 21.7478/49.6954 |
38-411 | Krosno | Subcarpathia | 21.7577/49.6798 |
38-404 | Krosno | Subcarpathia | 21.7132/49.7155 |
38-402 | Krosno | Subcarpathia | 21.7792/49.6841 |
38-401 | Krosno | Subcarpathia | 21.7191/49.6957 |
38-400 | Krosno | Subcarpathia | 21.7592/49.6913 |
96-128 | Nowa Krosnowa | Łódź Voivodeship | 19.9428/51.8552 |
96-128 | Krosnowa | Łódź Voivodeship | 19.9323/51.8609 |
96-127 | Wólka Krosnowska | Łódź Voivodeship | 19.8907/51.8849 |
97-350 | Krosno-Bugaj | Łódź Voivodeship | 19.667/51.1791 |
97-350 | Krosno-Dąbrowy | Łódź Voivodeship | 19.6826/51.1659 |
97-350 | Krosno-Huby | Łódź Voivodeship | 19.6769/51.1625 |
97-350 | Krosno-Ludwików | Łódź Voivodeship | 19.6731/51.1561 |
97-350 | Krosno-Biadów | Łódź Voivodeship | 19.6732/51.1761 |
97-350 | Krosno | Łódź Voivodeship | 19.6737/51.1711 |
66-600 | Krosno Odrzańskie | Lubusz | 15.0984/52.0543 |
57-362 | Krosnowice | Lower Silesia | 16.6352/50.3891 |
Reported phone numbers in Krosno
The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.
+48134926000 | +48 13 492 60 00 | 13 492 60 00 | tel:+48-13-492-60-00 |