Area code 48 (Warsaw)

Local time
1 702 139
Emergency phone number
Area: Warsaw
Country Calling Code: +48
E.164 (Country Code): 48
Emergency phone number: 997
Capital: Warsaw
Language: Polish
Valuta: Polish Zloty (PLN)
Local Time: 02:15
Timezone: Europe/Warsaw
Population: 1 702 139
Land Area: 312 685 KM2

Area code 48 - Warsaw

Warsaw is located in Poland and has area code 48. When calling a person or company located in Warsaw from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +4848 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Warsaw is 02:15. Warsaw has a population of 1 702 139 citiciens (2019-11-04).

Reported phone numbers in Warsaw

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+48225788610 +48 22 578 86 10 22 578 86 10 tel:+48-22-578-86-10
+48225899521 +48 22 589 95 21 22 589 95 21 tel:+48-22-589-95-21
+48225912443 +48 22 591 24 43 22 591 24 43 tel:+48-22-591-24-43
+48225922700 +48 22 592 27 00 22 592 27 00 tel:+48-22-592-27-00
+48226077500 +48 22 607 75 00 22 607 75 00 tel:+48-22-607-75-00
+48226999044 +48 22 699 90 44 22 699 90 44 tel:+48-22-699-90-44
+48226999048 +48 22 699 90 48 22 699 90 48 tel:+48-22-699-90-48
+48226999200 +48 22 699 92 00 22 699 92 00 tel:+48-22-699-92-00
+48226999917 +48 22 699 99 17 22 699 99 17 tel:+48-22-699-99-17
+48226999919 +48 22 699 99 19 22 699 99 19 tel:+48-22-699-99-19
+48226999979 +48 22 699 99 79 22 699 99 79 tel:+48-22-699-99-79
+48227114362 +48 22 711 43 62 22 711 43 62 tel:+48-22-711-43-62
+48227114365 +48 22 711 43 65 22 711 43 65 tel:+48-22-711-43-65
+48227135992 +48 22 713 59 92 22 713 59 92 tel:+48-22-713-59-92
+48227175919 +48 22 717 59 19 22 717 59 19 tel:+48-22-717-59-19
+48227175925 +48 22 717 59 25 22 717 59 25 tel:+48-22-717-59-25
+48227175927 +48 22 717 59 27 22 717 59 27 tel:+48-22-717-59-27
+48227175948 +48 22 717 59 48 22 717 59 48 tel:+48-22-717-59-48
+48227175958 +48 22 717 59 58 22 717 59 58 tel:+48-22-717-59-58
+48227175973 +48 22 717 59 73 22 717 59 73 tel:+48-22-717-59-73
+48227175997 +48 22 717 59 97 22 717 59 97 tel:+48-22-717-59-97
+48227651754 +48 22 765 17 54 22 765 17 54 tel:+48-22-765-17-54
+48227774711 +48 22 777 47 11 22 777 47 11 tel:+48-22-777-47-11
+48227785000 +48 22 778 50 00 22 778 50 00 tel:+48-22-778-50-00
+48227785499 +48 22 778 54 99 22 778 54 99 tel:+48-22-778-54-99
+48228664500 +48 22 866 45 00 22 866 45 00 tel:+48-22-866-45-00
+48228719333 +48 22 871 93 33 22 871 93 33 tel:+48-22-871-93-33
+48228737656 +48 22 873 76 56 22 873 76 56 tel:+48-22-873-76-56
+48228738055 +48 22 873 80 55 22 873 80 55 tel:+48-22-873-80-55
+48228738286 +48 22 873 82 86 22 873 82 86 tel:+48-22-873-82-86
+48228738529 +48 22 873 85 29 22 873 85 29 tel:+48-22-873-85-29
+48228738691 +48 22 873 86 91 22 873 86 91 tel:+48-22-873-86-91
+48228738749 +48 22 873 87 49 22 873 87 49 tel:+48-22-873-87-49
+48228738769 +48 22 873 87 69 22 873 87 69 tel:+48-22-873-87-69
+48228738775 +48 22 873 87 75 22 873 87 75 tel:+48-22-873-87-75
+48228738783 +48 22 873 87 83 22 873 87 83 tel:+48-22-873-87-83
+48227432681 +48 22 743 26 81 22 743 26 81 tel:+48-22-743-26-81
+48220144837 +48 22 014 48 37 22 014 48 37 tel:+48-22-014-48-37