Area code 351 (Lisbon)

Local time
547 733
Emergency phone number
Area: Lisbon
Country Calling Code: +351
E.164 (Country Code): 351
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Lisbon
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 07:04
Timezone: Europe/Lisbon
Population: 547 733
Land Area: 92 391 KM2

Area code 351 - Lisbon

Lisbon is located in Portugal and has area code 351. When calling a person or company located in Lisbon from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +351351 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lisbon is 07:04. Lisbon has a population of 547 733 citiciens (2019-07-24).

Reported phone numbers in Lisbon

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+351211163236 +351 21 116 3236 21 116 3236 tel:+351-21-116-3236
+351211163241 +351 21 116 3241 21 116 3241 tel:+351-21-116-3241
+351211163262 +351 21 116 3262 21 116 3262 tel:+351-21-116-3262
+351211163263 +351 21 116 3263 21 116 3263 tel:+351-21-116-3263
+351211163264 +351 21 116 3264 21 116 3264 tel:+351-21-116-3264
+351211163266 +351 21 116 3266 21 116 3266 tel:+351-21-116-3266
+351211163269 +351 21 116 3269 21 116 3269 tel:+351-21-116-3269
+351211163270 +351 21 116 3270 21 116 3270 tel:+351-21-116-3270
+351211163273 +351 21 116 3273 21 116 3273 tel:+351-21-116-3273
+351211163285 +351 21 116 3285 21 116 3285 tel:+351-21-116-3285
+351211165208 +351 21 116 5208 21 116 5208 tel:+351-21-116-5208
+351211165221 +351 21 116 5221 21 116 5221 tel:+351-21-116-5221
+351211165223 +351 21 116 5223 21 116 5223 tel:+351-21-116-5223
+351211165227 +351 21 116 5227 21 116 5227 tel:+351-21-116-5227
+351211165265 +351 21 116 5265 21 116 5265 tel:+351-21-116-5265
+351211165267 +351 21 116 5267 21 116 5267 tel:+351-21-116-5267
+351211165317 +351 21 116 5317 21 116 5317 tel:+351-21-116-5317
+351211165329 +351 21 116 5329 21 116 5329 tel:+351-21-116-5329
+351211165333 +351 21 116 5333 21 116 5333 tel:+351-21-116-5333
+351211165342 +351 21 116 5342 21 116 5342 tel:+351-21-116-5342
+351211165349 +351 21 116 5349 21 116 5349 tel:+351-21-116-5349
+351211165385 +351 21 116 5385 21 116 5385 tel:+351-21-116-5385
+351211165548 +351 21 116 5548 21 116 5548 tel:+351-21-116-5548
+351211165549 +351 21 116 5549 21 116 5549 tel:+351-21-116-5549
+351211165640 +351 21 116 5640 21 116 5640 tel:+351-21-116-5640
+351211165664 +351 21 116 5664 21 116 5664 tel:+351-21-116-5664
+351211165672 +351 21 116 5672 21 116 5672 tel:+351-21-116-5672
+351211167121 +351 21 116 7121 21 116 7121 tel:+351-21-116-7121
+351211167130 +351 21 116 7130 21 116 7130 tel:+351-21-116-7130
+351211167131 +351 21 116 7131 21 116 7131 tel:+351-21-116-7131
+351211167132 +351 21 116 7132 21 116 7132 tel:+351-21-116-7132
+351211167136 +351 21 116 7136 21 116 7136 tel:+351-21-116-7136
+351211167141 +351 21 116 7141 21 116 7141 tel:+351-21-116-7141
+351211167144 +351 21 116 7144 21 116 7144 tel:+351-21-116-7144
+351211167147 +351 21 116 7147 21 116 7147 tel:+351-21-116-7147
+351211167153 +351 21 116 7153 21 116 7153 tel:+351-21-116-7153
+351211167155 +351 21 116 7155 21 116 7155 tel:+351-21-116-7155
+351211167158 +351 21 116 7158 21 116 7158 tel:+351-21-116-7158
+351211167162 +351 21 116 7162 21 116 7162 tel:+351-21-116-7162
+351211167172 +351 21 116 7172 21 116 7172 tel:+351-21-116-7172
+351211167180 +351 21 116 7180 21 116 7180 tel:+351-21-116-7180
+351211167181 +351 21 116 7181 21 116 7181 tel:+351-21-116-7181
+351211167182 +351 21 116 7182 21 116 7182 tel:+351-21-116-7182
+351211167183 +351 21 116 7183 21 116 7183 tel:+351-21-116-7183
+351211167184 +351 21 116 7184 21 116 7184 tel:+351-21-116-7184
+351211167185 +351 21 116 7185 21 116 7185 tel:+351-21-116-7185
+351211167186 +351 21 116 7186 21 116 7186 tel:+351-21-116-7186
+351211167187 +351 21 116 7187 21 116 7187 tel:+351-21-116-7187
+351211167188 +351 21 116 7188 21 116 7188 tel:+351-21-116-7188
+351211167189 +351 21 116 7189 21 116 7189 tel:+351-21-116-7189