Area code 351 (Lisbon)

Local time
547 733
Emergency phone number
Area: Lisbon
Country Calling Code: +351
E.164 (Country Code): 351
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Lisbon
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 00:19
Timezone: Europe/Lisbon
Population: 547 733
Land Area: 92 391 KM2

Area code 351 - Lisbon

Lisbon is located in Portugal and has area code 351. When calling a person or company located in Lisbon from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +351351 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lisbon is 00:19. Lisbon has a population of 547 733 citiciens (2019-07-24).

Reported phone numbers in Lisbon

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+351211450782 +351 21 145 0782 21 145 0782 tel:+351-21-145-0782
+351211450784 +351 21 145 0784 21 145 0784 tel:+351-21-145-0784
+351211450787 +351 21 145 0787 21 145 0787 tel:+351-21-145-0787
+351211450788 +351 21 145 0788 21 145 0788 tel:+351-21-145-0788
+351211450792 +351 21 145 0792 21 145 0792 tel:+351-21-145-0792
+351211450793 +351 21 145 0793 21 145 0793 tel:+351-21-145-0793
+351211450795 +351 21 145 0795 21 145 0795 tel:+351-21-145-0795
+351211450827 +351 21 145 0827 21 145 0827 tel:+351-21-145-0827
+351211450828 +351 21 145 0828 21 145 0828 tel:+351-21-145-0828
+351211450830 +351 21 145 0830 21 145 0830 tel:+351-21-145-0830
+351211450831 +351 21 145 0831 21 145 0831 tel:+351-21-145-0831
+351211450834 +351 21 145 0834 21 145 0834 tel:+351-21-145-0834
+351211450839 +351 21 145 0839 21 145 0839 tel:+351-21-145-0839
+351211450930 +351 21 145 0930 21 145 0930 tel:+351-21-145-0930
+351211451270 +351 21 145 1270 21 145 1270 tel:+351-21-145-1270
+351211451280 +351 21 145 1280 21 145 1280 tel:+351-21-145-1280
+351211451282 +351 21 145 1282 21 145 1282 tel:+351-21-145-1282
+351211451283 +351 21 145 1283 21 145 1283 tel:+351-21-145-1283
+351211451539 +351 21 145 1539 21 145 1539 tel:+351-21-145-1539
+351211454545 +351 21 145 4545 21 145 4545 tel:+351-21-145-4545
+351211520630 +351 21 152 0630 21 152 0630 tel:+351-21-152-0630
+351211522791 +351 21 152 2791 21 152 2791 tel:+351-21-152-2791
+351211522798 +351 21 152 2798 21 152 2798 tel:+351-21-152-2798
+351211523552 +351 21 152 3552 21 152 3552 tel:+351-21-152-3552
+351211523890 +351 21 152 3890 21 152 3890 tel:+351-21-152-3890
+351211530742 +351 21 153 0742 21 153 0742 tel:+351-21-153-0742
+351211533375 +351 21 153 3375 21 153 3375 tel:+351-21-153-3375
+351211533376 +351 21 153 3376 21 153 3376 tel:+351-21-153-3376
+351211533377 +351 21 153 3377 21 153 3377 tel:+351-21-153-3377
+351211533378 +351 21 153 3378 21 153 3378 tel:+351-21-153-3378
+351211533379 +351 21 153 3379 21 153 3379 tel:+351-21-153-3379
+351211533385 +351 21 153 3385 21 153 3385 tel:+351-21-153-3385
+351211533386 +351 21 153 3386 21 153 3386 tel:+351-21-153-3386
+351211533387 +351 21 153 3387 21 153 3387 tel:+351-21-153-3387
+351211533388 +351 21 153 3388 21 153 3388 tel:+351-21-153-3388
+351211533389 +351 21 153 3389 21 153 3389 tel:+351-21-153-3389
+351211533395 +351 21 153 3395 21 153 3395 tel:+351-21-153-3395
+351211533397 +351 21 153 3397 21 153 3397 tel:+351-21-153-3397
+351211533398 +351 21 153 3398 21 153 3398 tel:+351-21-153-3398
+351211533399 +351 21 153 3399 21 153 3399 tel:+351-21-153-3399
+351211533400 +351 21 153 3400 21 153 3400 tel:+351-21-153-3400
+351211533401 +351 21 153 3401 21 153 3401 tel:+351-21-153-3401
+351211533402 +351 21 153 3402 21 153 3402 tel:+351-21-153-3402
+351211533403 +351 21 153 3403 21 153 3403 tel:+351-21-153-3403
+351211533404 +351 21 153 3404 21 153 3404 tel:+351-21-153-3404
+351211533405 +351 21 153 3405 21 153 3405 tel:+351-21-153-3405
+351211533406 +351 21 153 3406 21 153 3406 tel:+351-21-153-3406
+351211533407 +351 21 153 3407 21 153 3407 tel:+351-21-153-3407
+351211533408 +351 21 153 3408 21 153 3408 tel:+351-21-153-3408
+351211533409 +351 21 153 3409 21 153 3409 tel:+351-21-153-3409