Area code 351 (Lisbon)

Local time
547 733
Emergency phone number
Area: Lisbon
Country Calling Code: +351
E.164 (Country Code): 351
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Lisbon
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 07:16
Timezone: Europe/Lisbon
Population: 547 733
Land Area: 92 391 KM2

Area code 351 - Lisbon

Lisbon is located in Portugal and has area code 351. When calling a person or company located in Lisbon from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +351351 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lisbon is 07:16. Lisbon has a population of 547 733 citiciens (2019-07-24).

Reported phone numbers in Lisbon

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+351210327548 +351 21 032 7548 21 032 7548 tel:+351-21-032-7548
+351210327549 +351 21 032 7549 21 032 7549 tel:+351-21-032-7549
+351210327581 +351 21 032 7581 21 032 7581 tel:+351-21-032-7581
+351210327592 +351 21 032 7592 21 032 7592 tel:+351-21-032-7592
+351210327738 +351 21 032 7738 21 032 7738 tel:+351-21-032-7738
+351210327749 +351 21 032 7749 21 032 7749 tel:+351-21-032-7749
+351210327761 +351 21 032 7761 21 032 7761 tel:+351-21-032-7761
+351210327772 +351 21 032 7772 21 032 7772 tel:+351-21-032-7772
+351210327776 +351 21 032 7776 21 032 7776 tel:+351-21-032-7776
+351210327778 +351 21 032 7778 21 032 7778 tel:+351-21-032-7778
+351210327963 +351 21 032 7963 21 032 7963 tel:+351-21-032-7963
+351210327972 +351 21 032 7972 21 032 7972 tel:+351-21-032-7972
+351210327984 +351 21 032 7984 21 032 7984 tel:+351-21-032-7984
+351210327993 +351 21 032 7993 21 032 7993 tel:+351-21-032-7993
+351210327997 +351 21 032 7997 21 032 7997 tel:+351-21-032-7997
+351210327998 +351 21 032 7998 21 032 7998 tel:+351-21-032-7998
+351210328885 +351 21 032 8885 21 032 8885 tel:+351-21-032-8885
+351210328886 +351 21 032 8886 21 032 8886 tel:+351-21-032-8886
+351210329081 +351 21 032 9081 21 032 9081 tel:+351-21-032-9081
+351210329082 +351 21 032 9082 21 032 9082 tel:+351-21-032-9082
+351210329089 +351 21 032 9089 21 032 9089 tel:+351-21-032-9089
+351210331013 +351 21 033 1013 21 033 1013 tel:+351-21-033-1013
+351210331014 +351 21 033 1014 21 033 1014 tel:+351-21-033-1014
+351210331021 +351 21 033 1021 21 033 1021 tel:+351-21-033-1021
+351210331105 +351 21 033 1105 21 033 1105 tel:+351-21-033-1105
+351210331111 +351 21 033 1111 21 033 1111 tel:+351-21-033-1111
+351210331112 +351 21 033 1112 21 033 1112 tel:+351-21-033-1112
+351210331113 +351 21 033 1113 21 033 1113 tel:+351-21-033-1113
+351210331116 +351 21 033 1116 21 033 1116 tel:+351-21-033-1116
+351210331120 +351 21 033 1120 21 033 1120 tel:+351-21-033-1120
+351210331123 +351 21 033 1123 21 033 1123 tel:+351-21-033-1123
+351210331128 +351 21 033 1128 21 033 1128 tel:+351-21-033-1128
+351210331130 +351 21 033 1130 21 033 1130 tel:+351-21-033-1130
+351210331334 +351 21 033 1334 21 033 1334 tel:+351-21-033-1334
+351210331349 +351 21 033 1349 21 033 1349 tel:+351-21-033-1349
+351210331502 +351 21 033 1502 21 033 1502 tel:+351-21-033-1502
+351210331503 +351 21 033 1503 21 033 1503 tel:+351-21-033-1503
+351210331504 +351 21 033 1504 21 033 1504 tel:+351-21-033-1504
+351210331505 +351 21 033 1505 21 033 1505 tel:+351-21-033-1505
+351210332230 +351 21 033 2230 21 033 2230 tel:+351-21-033-2230
+351210332239 +351 21 033 2239 21 033 2239 tel:+351-21-033-2239
+351210332240 +351 21 033 2240 21 033 2240 tel:+351-21-033-2240
+351210332241 +351 21 033 2241 21 033 2241 tel:+351-21-033-2241
+351210332261 +351 21 033 2261 21 033 2261 tel:+351-21-033-2261
+351210332262 +351 21 033 2262 21 033 2262 tel:+351-21-033-2262
+351210332299 +351 21 033 2299 21 033 2299 tel:+351-21-033-2299
+351210332610 +351 21 033 2610 21 033 2610 tel:+351-21-033-2610
+351210332660 +351 21 033 2660 21 033 2660 tel:+351-21-033-2660
+351210332665 +351 21 033 2665 21 033 2665 tel:+351-21-033-2665
+351210332698 +351 21 033 2698 21 033 2698 tel:+351-21-033-2698