Area code 351 (Lisbon)

Local time
547 733
Emergency phone number
Area: Lisbon
Country Calling Code: +351
E.164 (Country Code): 351
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Lisbon
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 23:44
Timezone: Europe/Lisbon
Population: 547 733
Land Area: 92 391 KM2

Area code 351 - Lisbon

Lisbon is located in Portugal and has area code 351. When calling a person or company located in Lisbon from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +351351 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lisbon is 23:44. Lisbon has a population of 547 733 citiciens (2019-07-24).

Reported phone numbers in Lisbon

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+351210348843 +351 21 034 8843 21 034 8843 tel:+351-21-034-8843
+351210348844 +351 21 034 8844 21 034 8844 tel:+351-21-034-8844
+351210348845 +351 21 034 8845 21 034 8845 tel:+351-21-034-8845
+351210349614 +351 21 034 9614 21 034 9614 tel:+351-21-034-9614
+351210349620 +351 21 034 9620 21 034 9620 tel:+351-21-034-9620
+351210349621 +351 21 034 9621 21 034 9621 tel:+351-21-034-9621
+351210349623 +351 21 034 9623 21 034 9623 tel:+351-21-034-9623
+351210349629 +351 21 034 9629 21 034 9629 tel:+351-21-034-9629
+351210349635 +351 21 034 9635 21 034 9635 tel:+351-21-034-9635
+351210349669 +351 21 034 9669 21 034 9669 tel:+351-21-034-9669
+351210349800 +351 21 034 9800 21 034 9800 tel:+351-21-034-9800
+351210349803 +351 21 034 9803 21 034 9803 tel:+351-21-034-9803
+351210349804 +351 21 034 9804 21 034 9804 tel:+351-21-034-9804
+351210349805 +351 21 034 9805 21 034 9805 tel:+351-21-034-9805
+351210349806 +351 21 034 9806 21 034 9806 tel:+351-21-034-9806
+351210349807 +351 21 034 9807 21 034 9807 tel:+351-21-034-9807
+351210349808 +351 21 034 9808 21 034 9808 tel:+351-21-034-9808
+351210349809 +351 21 034 9809 21 034 9809 tel:+351-21-034-9809
+351210349810 +351 21 034 9810 21 034 9810 tel:+351-21-034-9810
+351210349811 +351 21 034 9811 21 034 9811 tel:+351-21-034-9811
+351210349813 +351 21 034 9813 21 034 9813 tel:+351-21-034-9813
+351210349814 +351 21 034 9814 21 034 9814 tel:+351-21-034-9814
+351210349991 +351 21 034 9991 21 034 9991 tel:+351-21-034-9991
+351210349994 +351 21 034 9994 21 034 9994 tel:+351-21-034-9994
+351210351998 +351 21 035 1998 21 035 1998 tel:+351-21-035-1998
+351210352467 +351 21 035 2467 21 035 2467 tel:+351-21-035-2467
+351210352563 +351 21 035 2563 21 035 2563 tel:+351-21-035-2563
+351210352566 +351 21 035 2566 21 035 2566 tel:+351-21-035-2566
+351210352573 +351 21 035 2573 21 035 2573 tel:+351-21-035-2573
+351210352577 +351 21 035 2577 21 035 2577 tel:+351-21-035-2577
+351210352580 +351 21 035 2580 21 035 2580 tel:+351-21-035-2580
+351210352581 +351 21 035 2581 21 035 2581 tel:+351-21-035-2581
+351210352583 +351 21 035 2583 21 035 2583 tel:+351-21-035-2583
+351210352585 +351 21 035 2585 21 035 2585 tel:+351-21-035-2585
+351210352587 +351 21 035 2587 21 035 2587 tel:+351-21-035-2587
+351210352588 +351 21 035 2588 21 035 2588 tel:+351-21-035-2588
+351210369900 +351 21 036 9900 21 036 9900 tel:+351-21-036-9900
+351210369901 +351 21 036 9901 21 036 9901 tel:+351-21-036-9901
+351210369902 +351 21 036 9902 21 036 9902 tel:+351-21-036-9902
+351210402444 +351 21 040 2444 21 040 2444 tel:+351-21-040-2444
+351210408600 +351 21 040 8600 21 040 8600 tel:+351-21-040-8600
+351210408900 +351 21 040 8900 21 040 8900 tel:+351-21-040-8900
+351210410080 +351 21 041 0080 21 041 0080 tel:+351-21-041-0080
+351210410099 +351 21 041 0099 21 041 0099 tel:+351-21-041-0099
+351210412100 +351 21 041 2100 21 041 2100 tel:+351-21-041-2100
+351210413507 +351 21 041 3507 21 041 3507 tel:+351-21-041-3507
+351210414098 +351 21 041 4098 21 041 4098 tel:+351-21-041-4098
+351210414099 +351 21 041 4099 21 041 4099 tel:+351-21-041-4099
+351210418289 +351 21 041 8289 21 041 8289 tel:+351-21-041-8289
+351210418296 +351 21 041 8296 21 041 8296 tel:+351-21-041-8296