Reported phone numbers in Slovakia (+421)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +421
E.164 (Country Code): 421
Emergency phone number: 158
Capital: Bratislava
Language: Slovak
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 07:06
Timezone: Europe/Bratislava
Population: 5 455 000
Land Area: 48 845 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Slovakia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Slovakia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Slovakia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +421 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Slovakia is 07:06.

Unspecified phone numbers from Slovakia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Slovakia.

+421901910790 +421 901 910 790 0901 910 790 tel:+421-901-910-790
+421903140712 +421 903 140 712 0903 140 712 tel:+421-903-140-712
+421903247323 +421 903 247 323 0903 247 323 tel:+421-903-247-323
+421904222879 +421 904 222 879 0904 222 879 tel:+421-904-222-879
+421908692564 +421 908 692 564 0908 692 564 tel:+421-908-692-564
+421908700381 +421 908 700 381 0908 700 381 tel:+421-908-700-381
+421908784607 +421 908 784 607 0908 784 607 tel:+421-908-784-607
+421908785141 +421 908 785 141 0908 785 141 tel:+421-908-785-141
+421908792301 +421 908 792 301 0908 792 301 tel:+421-908-792-301
+421908808605 +421 908 808 605 0908 808 605 tel:+421-908-808-605
+421911644723 +421 911 644 723 0911 644 723 tel:+421-911-644-723
+421911795367 +421 911 795 367 0911 795 367 tel:+421-911-795-367
+421911882031 +421 911 882 031 0911 882 031 tel:+421-911-882-031
+421912851300 +421 912 851 300 0912 851 300 tel:+421-912-851-300
+421914333188 +421 914 333 188 0914 333 188 tel:+421-914-333-188
+421915949059 +421 915 949 059 0915 949 059 tel:+421-915-949-059
+421918031093 +421 918 031 093 0918 031 093 tel:+421-918-031-093
+421918046281 +421 918 046 281 0918 046 281 tel:+421-918-046-281
+421918579250 +421 918 579 250 0918 579 250 tel:+421-918-579-250
+421918866531 +421 918 866 531 0918 866 531 tel:+421-918-866-531
+421948112039 +421 948 112 039 0948 112 039 tel:+421-948-112-039
+421948154452 +421 948 154 452 0948 154 452 tel:+421-948-154-452
+421948688357 +421 948 688 357 0948 688 357 tel:+421-948-688-357
+4215149871 +421 5149871 5149871 tel:+421-5149871
+421944405112 +421 944 405 112 0944 405 112 tel:+421-944-405-112
+421948158367 +421 948 158 367 0948 158 367 tel:+421-948-158-367
+421915397391 +421 915 397 391 0915 397 391 tel:+421-915-397-391
+421916200556 +421 916 200 556 0916 200 556 tel:+421-916-200-556
+421948213839 +421 948 213 839 0948 213 839 tel:+421-948-213-839
+421910244400 +421 910 244 400 0910 244 400 tel:+421-910-244-400