Reported phone numbers in South Africa (+27)

Area code
Alexander Bay/Calvinia/Clanwilliam/Namaqualand/Port Nolloth/Springbok/Vredendal
Local time
Alexander Bay/Calvinia/Clanwilliam/Namaqualand/Port Nolloth/Springbok/Vredendal
Emergency phone number
Alexander Bay/Calvinia/Clanwilliam/Namaqualand/Port Nolloth/Springbok/Vredendal
10 111
Country Calling Code: +27
E.164 (Country Code): 27
Emergency phone number: 10 111
Capital: Pretoria
Language: Afrikaans
Ndebele, South; South Ndebele
Sotho, Southern
Valuta: South African Rand (ZAR)
Local Time: 21:25
Timezone: Africa/Johannesburg
Population: 57 779 622
Land Area: 1 219 912 KM2

Reported phone numbers from South Africa without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from South Africa but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in South Africa / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +27 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Alexander Bay/Calvinia/Clanwilliam/Namaqualand/Port Nolloth/Springbok/Vredendal is 21:25.

Reported phone numbers in Alexander Bay/Calvinia/Clanwilliam/Namaqualand/Port Nolloth/Springbok/Vredendal

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+27612877398 +27 61 287 7398 061 287 7398 tel:+27-61-287-7398
+27614532554 +27 61 453 2554 061 453 2554 tel:+27-61-453-2554
+27614536920 +27 61 453 6920 061 453 6920 tel:+27-61-453-6920
+27614657146 +27 61 465 7146 061 465 7146 tel:+27-61-465-7146
+27614663748 +27 61 466 3748 061 466 3748 tel:+27-61-466-3748
+27614671264 +27 61 467 1264 061 467 1264 tel:+27-61-467-1264
+27614676167 +27 61 467 6167 061 467 6167 tel:+27-61-467-6167
+27614697088 +27 61 469 7088 061 469 7088 tel:+27-61-469-7088
+27626176756 +27 62 617 6756 062 617 6756 tel:+27-62-617-6756
+27626325764 +27 62 632 5764 062 632 5764 tel:+27-62-632-5764
+27627693386 +27 62 769 3386 062 769 3386 tel:+27-62-769-3386
+27639360808 +27 63 936 0808 063 936 0808 tel:+27-63-936-0808
+27714866630 +27 71 486 6630 071 486 6630 tel:+27-71-486-6630
+27716199271 +27 71 619 9271 071 619 9271 tel:+27-71-619-9271
+27729722769 +27 72 972 2769 072 972 2769 tel:+27-72-972-2769
+27739066456 +27 73 906 6456 073 906 6456 tel:+27-73-906-6456
+27743813869 +27 74 381 3869 074 381 3869 tel:+27-74-381-3869
+27749579074 +27 74 957 9074 074 957 9074 tel:+27-74-957-9074
+27783956250 +27 78 395 6250 078 395 6250 tel:+27-78-395-6250
+27788032890 +27 78 803 2890 078 803 2890 tel:+27-78-803-2890
+27788032906 +27 78 803 2906 078 803 2906 tel:+27-78-803-2906
+27799160859 +27 79 916 0859 079 916 0859 tel:+27-79-916-0859
+27814888365 +27 81 488 8365 081 488 8365 tel:+27-81-488-8365
+27815580673 +27 81 558 0673 081 558 0673 tel:+27-81-558-0673
+27816800420 +27 81 680 0420 081 680 0420 tel:+27-81-680-0420
+27816800488 +27 81 680 0488 081 680 0488 tel:+27-81-680-0488
+27817454475 +27 81 745 4475 081 745 4475 tel:+27-81-745-4475
+27819152190 +27 81 915 2190 081 915 2190 tel:+27-81-915-2190
+27819299787 +27 81 929 9787 081 929 9787 tel:+27-81-929-9787
+27820072381 +27 82 007 2381 082 007 2381 tel:+27-82-007-2381
+27820080397 +27 82 008 0397 082 008 0397 tel:+27-82-008-0397
+27820099900 +27 82 009 9900 082 009 9900 tel:+27-82-009-9900
+27822759708 +27 82 275 9708 082 275 9708 tel:+27-82-275-9708
+27822759800 +27 82 275 9800 082 275 9800 tel:+27-82-275-9800
+27824258804 +27 82 425 8804 082 425 8804 tel:+27-82-425-8804
+27824985768 +27 82 498 5768 082 498 5768 tel:+27-82-498-5768
+278251381 +27 82 513 81 082 513 81 tel:+27-82-513-81
+27828069591 +27 82 806 9591 082 806 9591 tel:+27-82-806-9591
+27828815147 +27 82 881 5147 082 881 5147 tel:+27-82-881-5147
+27831237355 +27 83 123 7355 083 123 7355 tel:+27-83-123-7355
+27832085878 +27 83 208 5878 083 208 5878 tel:+27-83-208-5878
+27836330104 +27 83 633 0104 083 633 0104 tel:+27-83-633-0104
+27839301134 +27 83 930 1134 083 930 1134 tel:+27-83-930-1134
+2784140 +27 84 140 084 140 tel:+27-84-140
+2784145 +27 84 145 084 145 tel:+27-84-145
+27845699736 +27 84 569 9736 084 569 9736 tel:+27-84-569-9736
+27845699737 +27 84 569 9737 084 569 9737 tel:+27-84-569-9737
+27631196556 +27 63 119 6556 063 119 6556 tel:+27-63-119-6556
+27728447808 +27 72 844 7808 072 844 7808 tel:+27-72-844-7808
+2711654 +27 11654 11654 tel:+27-11654