Reported phone numbers in Sri Lanka (+94)

Local time
Sri Lanka
Emergency phone number
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Country Calling Code: +94
E.164 (Country Code): 94
Emergency phone number: 119
Capital: Colombo
Language: Sinhala; Sinhalese
Valuta: Sri Lanka Rupee (LKR)
Local Time: 00:32
Timezone: Asia/Colombo
Population: 21 670 000
Land Area: 65 610 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Sri Lanka without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Sri Lanka but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Sri Lanka / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +94 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Sri Lanka is 00:32.

Unspecified phone numbers from Sri Lanka

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Sri Lanka.

+94722208000 +94 72 220 8000 072 220 8000 tel:+94-72-220-8000
+94722920920 +94 72 292 0920 072 292 0920 tel:+94-72-292-0920
+94759431925 +94 75 943 1925 075 943 1925 tel:+94-75-943-1925
+94759431941 +94 75 943 1941 075 943 1941 tel:+94-75-943-1941
+94759710646 +94 75 971 0646 075 971 0646 tel:+94-75-971-0646
+94759710681 +94 75 971 0681 075 971 0681 tel:+94-75-971-0681
+94759710683 +94 75 971 0683 075 971 0683 tel:+94-75-971-0683
+94759710686 +94 75 971 0686 075 971 0686 tel:+94-75-971-0686
+94759710687 +94 75 971 0687 075 971 0687 tel:+94-75-971-0687
+94759710688 +94 75 971 0688 075 971 0688 tel:+94-75-971-0688
+94759710690 +94 75 971 0690 075 971 0690 tel:+94-75-971-0690
+94759710691 +94 75 971 0691 075 971 0691 tel:+94-75-971-0691
+94759710692 +94 75 971 0692 075 971 0692 tel:+94-75-971-0692
+94759710693 +94 75 971 0693 075 971 0693 tel:+94-75-971-0693
+94759710694 +94 75 971 0694 075 971 0694 tel:+94-75-971-0694
+94759710696 +94 75 971 0696 075 971 0696 tel:+94-75-971-0696
+94764992067 +94 76 499 2067 076 499 2067 tel:+94-76-499-2067
+94777234333 +94 77 723 4333 077 723 4333 tel:+94-77-723-4333
+94777267762 +94 77 726 7762 077 726 7762 tel:+94-77-726-7762
+94777278727 +94 77 727 8727 077 727 8727 tel:+94-77-727-8727
+94777318108 +94 77 731 8108 077 731 8108 tel:+94-77-731-8108
+94777487878 +94 77 748 7878 077 748 7878 tel:+94-77-748-7878
+94777559229 +94 77 755 9229 077 755 9229 tel:+94-77-755-9229
+94785350350 +94 78 535 0350 078 535 0350 tel:+94-78-535-0350
+94785450450 +94 78 545 0450 078 545 0450 tel:+94-78-545-0450
+94789999929 +94 78 999 9929 078 999 9929 tel:+94-78-999-9929
+9466883843 +94 66883843 66883843 tel:+94-66883843
+94701279591 +94 70 127 9591 070 127 9591 tel:+94-70-127-9591
+94781311364 +94 78 131 1364 078 131 1364 tel:+94-78-131-1364
+94775454700 +94 77 545 4700 077 545 4700 tel:+94-77-545-4700
+94775561866 +94 77 556 1866 077 556 1866 tel:+94-77-556-1866
+94771316137 +94 77 131 6137 077 131 6137 tel:+94-77-131-6137
+94777750770 +94 77 775 0770 077 775 0770 tel:+94-77-775-0770
+94702971002 +94 70 297 1002 070 297 1002 tel:+94-70-297-1002
+94759439029 +94 75 943 9029 075 943 9029 tel:+94-75-943-9029
+94717990549 +94 71 799 0549 071 799 0549 tel:+94-71-799-0549