Reported phone numbers in Thailand (+66)

Local time
Emergency phone number
191 or 911
Country Calling Code: +66
E.164 (Country Code): 66
Emergency phone number: 191 or 911
Capital: Bangkok
Language: Thai
Valuta: Thai Baht (THB)
Local Time: 00:23
Timezone: Asia/Bangkok
Population: 69 428 524
Land Area: 514 000 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Thailand without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Thailand but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Thailand / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +66 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Thailand is 00:23.

Unspecified phone numbers from Thailand

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Thailand.

+66802550082 +66 80 255 0082 080 255 0082 tel:+66-80-255-0082
+66812088176 +66 81 208 8176 081 208 8176 tel:+66-81-208-8176
+66815873097 +66 81 587 3097 081 587 3097 tel:+66-81-587-3097
+66818200395 +66 81 820 0395 081 820 0395 tel:+66-81-820-0395
+66819095947 +66 81 909 5947 081 909 5947 tel:+66-81-909-5947
+66827083017 +66 82 708 3017 082 708 3017 tel:+66-82-708-3017
+66829930096 +66 82 993 0096 082 993 0096 tel:+66-82-993-0096
+66829930149 +66 82 993 0149 082 993 0149 tel:+66-82-993-0149
+66829930318 +66 82 993 0318 082 993 0318 tel:+66-82-993-0318
+66829930426 +66 82 993 0426 082 993 0426 tel:+66-82-993-0426
+66829930516 +66 82 993 0516 082 993 0516 tel:+66-82-993-0516
+66829930581 +66 82 993 0581 082 993 0581 tel:+66-82-993-0581
+66829930604 +66 82 993 0604 082 993 0604 tel:+66-82-993-0604
+66829930865 +66 82 993 0865 082 993 0865 tel:+66-82-993-0865
+66829930906 +66 82 993 0906 082 993 0906 tel:+66-82-993-0906
+66829931072 +66 82 993 1072 082 993 1072 tel:+66-82-993-1072
+66830408461 +66 83 040 8461 083 040 8461 tel:+66-83-040-8461
+66832968899 +66 83 296 8899 083 296 8899 tel:+66-83-296-8899
+66834903859 +66 83 490 3859 083 490 3859 tel:+66-83-490-3859
+66834903865 +66 83 490 3865 083 490 3865 tel:+66-83-490-3865
+66834903868 +66 83 490 3868 083 490 3868 tel:+66-83-490-3868
+66834903875 +66 83 490 3875 083 490 3875 tel:+66-83-490-3875
+66834904457 +66 83 490 4457 083 490 4457 tel:+66-83-490-4457
+66856600592 +66 85 660 0592 085 660 0592 tel:+66-85-660-0592
+66856600593 +66 85 660 0593 085 660 0593 tel:+66-85-660-0593
+66856600594 +66 85 660 0594 085 660 0594 tel:+66-85-660-0594
+66864552295 +66 86 455 2295 086 455 2295 tel:+66-86-455-2295
+66883765533 +66 88 376 5533 088 376 5533 tel:+66-88-376-5533
+66885770393 +66 88 577 0393 088 577 0393 tel:+66-88-577-0393
+66887572839 +66 88 757 2839 088 757 2839 tel:+66-88-757-2839
+66896672359 +66 89 667 2359 089 667 2359 tel:+66-89-667-2359
+66896784858 +66 89 678 4858 089 678 4858 tel:+66-89-678-4858
+66918907792 +66 91 890 7792 091 890 7792 tel:+66-91-890-7792
+66922654170 +66 92 265 4170 092 265 4170 tel:+66-92-265-4170
+66922688610 +66 92 268 8610 092 268 8610 tel:+66-92-268-8610
+66922742859 +66 92 274 2859 092 274 2859 tel:+66-92-274-2859
+66933244018 +66 93 324 4018 093 324 4018 tel:+66-93-324-4018
+66942121182 +66 94 212 1182 094 212 1182 tel:+66-94-212-1182
+66942121183 +66 94 212 1183 094 212 1183 tel:+66-94-212-1183
+66942121770 +66 94 212 1770 094 212 1770 tel:+66-94-212-1770
+66944780028 +66 94 478 0028 094 478 0028 tel:+66-94-478-0028
+66952059925 +66 95 205 9925 095 205 9925 tel:+66-95-205-9925
+66952059952 +66 95 205 9952 095 205 9952 tel:+66-95-205-9952
+66952059969 +66 95 205 9969 095 205 9969 tel:+66-95-205-9969
+66953699120 +66 95 369 9120 095 369 9120 tel:+66-95-369-9120
+66953699121 +66 95 369 9121 095 369 9121 tel:+66-95-369-9121
+66980147287 +66 98 014 7287 098 014 7287 tel:+66-98-014-7287
+66980149728 +66 98 014 9728 098 014 9728 tel:+66-98-014-9728
+66981034901 +66 98 103 4901 098 103 4901 tel:+66-98-103-4901
+66982489319 +66 98 248 9319 098 248 9319 tel:+66-98-248-9319