Area code 35 (Ang Thong/Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya/Suphan Buri)

Area code
Ang Thong/Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya/Suphan Buri
Local time
Ang Thong/Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya/Suphan Buri
Emergency phone number
Ang Thong/Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya/Suphan Buri
191 or 911
Ang Thong/Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya/Suphan Buri
Area code: 035
Country Calling Code: +66
E.164 (Country Code): 66
Emergency phone number: 191 or 911
Capital: Bangkok
Language: Thai
Valuta: Thai Baht (THB)
Local Time: 01:59
Timezone: Asia/Bangkok
Population: 69 428 524
Land Area: 514 000 KM2

Area code 35 - Ang Thong/Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya/Suphan Buri

Ang Thong/Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya/Suphan Buri is located in Thailand and has area code 35. When calling a person or company located in Ang Thong/Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya/Suphan Buri from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +6635 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Ang Thong/Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya/Suphan Buri is 01:59.

Reported phone numbers in Ang Thong/Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya/Suphan Buri

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+6635895729 +66 35 895 729 035 895 729 tel:+66-35-895-729