Reported phone numbers in Turkey (+90)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +90
E.164 (Country Code): 90
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Ankara
Language: Turkish
Valuta: Turkish Lira (TRY)
Local Time: 16:57
Timezone: Europe/Istanbul
Population: 82 319 724
Land Area: 780 580 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Turkey without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Turkey but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Turkey / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +90 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Turkey is 16:57.

Unspecified phone numbers from Turkey

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Turkey.

+905309550542 +90 530 955 05 42 0530 955 05 42 tel:+90-530-955-05-42
+905309550543 +90 530 955 05 43 0530 955 05 43 tel:+90-530-955-05-43
+905309550544 +90 530 955 05 44 0530 955 05 44 tel:+90-530-955-05-44
+905309550545 +90 530 955 05 45 0530 955 05 45 tel:+90-530-955-05-45
+905309550548 +90 530 955 05 48 0530 955 05 48 tel:+90-530-955-05-48
+905309693024 +90 530 969 30 24 0530 969 30 24 tel:+90-530-969-30-24
+905313719871 +90 531 371 98 71 0531 371 98 71 tel:+90-531-371-98-71
+905321110192 +90 532 111 01 92 0532 111 01 92 tel:+90-532-111-01-92
+905321304513 +90 532 130 45 13 0532 130 45 13 tel:+90-532-130-45-13
+905321304600 +90 532 130 46 00 0532 130 46 00 tel:+90-532-130-46-00
+905321304602 +90 532 130 46 02 0532 130 46 02 tel:+90-532-130-46-02
+905321304605 +90 532 130 46 05 0532 130 46 05 tel:+90-532-130-46-05
+905321367995 +90 532 136 79 95 0532 136 79 95 tel:+90-532-136-79-95
+905321373156 +90 532 137 31 56 0532 137 31 56 tel:+90-532-137-31-56
+905321730345 +90 532 173 03 45 0532 173 03 45 tel:+90-532-173-03-45
+905321756222 +90 532 175 62 22 0532 175 62 22 tel:+90-532-175-62-22
+905322028961 +90 532 202 89 61 0532 202 89 61 tel:+90-532-202-89-61
+905322095417 +90 532 209 54 17 0532 209 54 17 tel:+90-532-209-54-17
+905323007052 +90 532 300 70 52 0532 300 70 52 tel:+90-532-300-70-52
+905323262833 +90 532 326 28 33 0532 326 28 33 tel:+90-532-326-28-33
+905325320000 +90 532 532 00 00 0532 532 00 00 tel:+90-532-532-00-00
+905326319222 +90 532 631 92 22 0532 631 92 22 tel:+90-532-631-92-22
+905326347749 +90 532 634 77 49 0532 634 77 49 tel:+90-532-634-77-49
+905417201796 +90 541 720 17 96 0541 720 17 96 tel:+90-541-720-17-96
+905417210270 +90 541 721 02 70 0541 721 02 70 tel:+90-541-721-02-70
+905422042553 +90 542 204 25 53 0542 204 25 53 tel:+90-542-204-25-53
+905422658490 +90 542 265 84 90 0542 265 84 90 tel:+90-542-265-84-90
+905423552599 +90 542 355 25 99 0542 355 25 99 tel:+90-542-355-25-99
+905425372612 +90 542 537 26 12 0542 537 26 12 tel:+90-542-537-26-12
+905425373612 +90 542 537 36 12 0542 537 36 12 tel:+90-542-537-36-12
+905425420000 +90 542 542 00 00 0542 542 00 00 tel:+90-542-542-00-00
+905425915610 +90 542 591 56 10 0542 591 56 10 tel:+90-542-591-56-10
+905425915611 +90 542 591 56 11 0542 591 56 11 tel:+90-542-591-56-11
+905426507803 +90 542 650 78 03 0542 650 78 03 tel:+90-542-650-78-03
+905432958143 +90 543 295 81 43 0543 295 81 43 tel:+90-543-295-81-43
+905435341543 +90 543 534 15 43 0543 534 15 43 tel:+90-543-534-15-43
+905435450957 +90 543 545 09 57 0543 545 09 57 tel:+90-543-545-09-57
+905437428909 +90 543 742 89 09 0543 742 89 09 tel:+90-543-742-89-09
+905443969901 +90 544 396 99 01 0544 396 99 01 tel:+90-544-396-99-01
+905447262636 +90 544 726 26 36 0544 726 26 36 tel:+90-544-726-26-36
+905452010238 +90 545 201 02 38 0545 201 02 38 tel:+90-545-201-02-38
+905454897996 +90 545 489 79 96 0545 489 79 96 tel:+90-545-489-79-96
+905464666011 +90 546 466 60 11 0546 466 60 11 tel:+90-546-466-60-11
+905464666012 +90 546 466 60 12 0546 466 60 12 tel:+90-546-466-60-12
+905464666013 +90 546 466 60 13 0546 466 60 13 tel:+90-546-466-60-13
+905464666018 +90 546 466 60 18 0546 466 60 18 tel:+90-546-466-60-18
+905468540861 +90 546 854 08 61 0546 854 08 61 tel:+90-546-854-08-61
+905469099012 +90 546 909 90 12 0546 909 90 12 tel:+90-546-909-90-12
+905492469027 +90 549 246 90 27 0549 246 90 27 tel:+90-549-246-90-27
+905492601405 +90 549 260 14 05 0549 260 14 05 tel:+90-549-260-14-05