Reported phone numbers in United Arab Emirates (+971)

Local time
United Arab Emirates
Emergency phone number
United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi
Country Calling Code: +971
E.164 (Country Code): 971
Emergency phone number: 999
Capital: Abu Dhabi
Language: Arabic
Valuta: Arab Emirates Dirham (AED)
Local Time: 07:03
Timezone: Asia/Dubai
Population: 9 630 959
Land Area: 82 880 KM2

Reported phone numbers from United Arab Emirates without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from United Arab Emirates but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in United Arab Emirates / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +971 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in United Arab Emirates is 07:03.

Unspecified phone numbers from United Arab Emirates

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from United Arab Emirates.

+971565648902 +971 56 564 8902 056 564 8902 tel:+971-56-564-8902
+971528632635 +971 52 863 2635 052 863 2635 tel:+971-52-863-2635
+971589244113 +971 58 924 4113 058 924 4113 tel:+971-58-924-4113
+971556683732 +971 55 668 3732 055 668 3732 tel:+971-55-668-3732
+971581443743 +971 58 144 3743 058 144 3743 tel:+971-58-144-3743
+971505138458 +971 50 513 8458 050 513 8458 tel:+971-50-513-8458
+971563651719 +971 56 365 1719 056 365 1719 tel:+971-56-365-1719
+971526839125 +971 52 683 9125 052 683 9125 tel:+971-52-683-9125
+971589168842 +971 58 916 8842 058 916 8842 tel:+971-58-916-8842
+971563567742 +971 56 356 7742 056 356 7742 tel:+971-56-356-7742
+971525027898 +971 52 502 7898 052 502 7898 tel:+971-52-502-7898
+971523998856 +971 52 399 8856 052 399 8856 tel:+971-52-399-8856
+971567423153 +971 56 742 3153 056 742 3153 tel:+971-56-742-3153
+971506785790 +971 50 678 5790 050 678 5790 tel:+971-50-678-5790
+971523768366 +971 52 376 8366 052 376 8366 tel:+971-52-376-8366
+971582935627 +971 58 293 5627 058 293 5627 tel:+971-58-293-5627
+971569400966 +971 56 940 0966 056 940 0966 tel:+971-56-940-0966
+971555828398 +971 55 582 8398 055 582 8398 tel:+971-55-582-8398
+971504300897 +971 50 430 0897 050 430 0897 tel:+971-50-430-0897
+971521489605 +971 52 148 9605 052 148 9605 tel:+971-52-148-9605
+971569094729 +971 56 909 4729 056 909 4729 tel:+971-56-909-4729
+971586383381 +971 58 638 3381 058 638 3381 tel:+971-58-638-3381
+971568685668 +971 56 868 5668 056 868 5668 tel:+971-56-868-5668
+971502 +971 502 502 tel:+971-502
+971567103601 +971 56 710 3601 056 710 3601 tel:+971-56-710-3601
+9712124170130 +971 2124170130 2124170130 tel:+971-2124170130