Area code 1269 (Ammanford)

Area code
Local time
23 709
Emergency phone number
999 or 112
Area: Ammanford
Area code: 01269
Country Calling Code: +44
E.164 (Country Code): 44
Emergency phone number: 999 or 112
Capital: London
Language: English
Valuta: British Pound (GBP)
Local Time: 18:07
Timezone: Europe/London
Population: 23 709
Land Area: 244 820 KM2

Area code 1269 - Ammanford

Ammanford is located in United Kingdom and has area code 1269. When calling a person or company located in Ammanford from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +441269 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Ammanford is 18:07. Ammanford has a population of 23 709 citiciens (2017-06-12).

Ammanford - Postal numbers

Ammanford has 1 postal number / zip number.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat

Reported phone numbers in Ammanford

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+441269210807 +44 1269 210807 01269 210807 tel:+44-1269-210807
+441269210809 +44 1269 210809 01269 210809 tel:+44-1269-210809
+441269210810 +44 1269 210810 01269 210810 tel:+44-1269-210810
+441269604895 +44 1269 604895 01269 604895 tel:+44-1269-604895
+441269604902 +44 1269 604902 01269 604902 tel:+44-1269-604902
+441269604906 +44 1269 604906 01269 604906 tel:+44-1269-604906
+441269604907 +44 1269 604907 01269 604907 tel:+44-1269-604907
+441269604908 +44 1269 604908 01269 604908 tel:+44-1269-604908
+441269604912 +44 1269 604912 01269 604912 tel:+44-1269-604912
+441269604913 +44 1269 604913 01269 604913 tel:+44-1269-604913
+441269604914 +44 1269 604914 01269 604914 tel:+44-1269-604914
+441269604917 +44 1269 604917 01269 604917 tel:+44-1269-604917
+441269604920 +44 1269 604920 01269 604920 tel:+44-1269-604920
+441269604932 +44 1269 604932 01269 604932 tel:+44-1269-604932
+441269604935 +44 1269 604935 01269 604935 tel:+44-1269-604935
+441269604939 +44 1269 604939 01269 604939 tel:+44-1269-604939
+441269604944 +44 1269 604944 01269 604944 tel:+44-1269-604944
+441269604954 +44 1269 604954 01269 604954 tel:+44-1269-604954
+441269604958 +44 1269 604958 01269 604958 tel:+44-1269-604958
+441269604962 +44 1269 604962 01269 604962 tel:+44-1269-604962
+441269604972 +44 1269 604972 01269 604972 tel:+44-1269-604972
+441269604973 +44 1269 604973 01269 604973 tel:+44-1269-604973
+441269604984 +44 1269 604984 01269 604984 tel:+44-1269-604984
+441269604986 +44 1269 604986 01269 604986 tel:+44-1269-604986
+441269604987 +44 1269 604987 01269 604987 tel:+44-1269-604987
+441269604988 +44 1269 604988 01269 604988 tel:+44-1269-604988
+441269604996 +44 1269 604996 01269 604996 tel:+44-1269-604996
+441269839047 +44 1269 839047 01269 839047 tel:+44-1269-839047
+441269849064 +44 1269 849064 01269 849064 tel:+44-1269-849064
+441269849529 +44 1269 849529 01269 849529 tel:+44-1269-849529
+441269849585 +44 1269 849585 01269 849585 tel:+44-1269-849585
+441269849899 +44 1269 849899 01269 849899 tel:+44-1269-849899
+441269849918 +44 1269 849918 01269 849918 tel:+44-1269-849918
+441269849935 +44 1269 849935 01269 849935 tel:+44-1269-849935
+441269849936 +44 1269 849936 01269 849936 tel:+44-1269-849936
+441269887387 +44 1269 887387 01269 887387 tel:+44-1269-887387
+441269887547 +44 1269 887547 01269 887547 tel:+44-1269-887547
+441269887559 +44 1269 887559 01269 887559 tel:+44-1269-887559
+441269888102 +44 1269 888102 01269 888102 tel:+44-1269-888102