Area code 29 (Cardiff)

Area code
Local time
447 287
Emergency phone number
999 or 112
Area: Cardiff
Area code: 029
Country Calling Code: +44
E.164 (Country Code): 44
Emergency phone number: 999 or 112
Capital: London
Language: English
Valuta: British Pound (GBP)
Local Time: 20:01
Timezone: Europe/London
Population: 447 287
Land Area: 244 820 KM2

Area code 29 - Cardiff

Cardiff is located in United Kingdom and has area code 29. When calling a person or company located in Cardiff from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +4429 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Cardiff is 20:01. Cardiff has a population of 447 287 citiciens (2019-09-05).

Cardiff - Postal numbers

Cardiff has 7 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
GL20Walton CardiffEngland-2.0736/52.0247

Reported phone numbers in Cardiff

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+442920002736 +44 29 2000 2736 029 2000 2736 tel:+44-29-2000-2736
+442920004792 +44 29 2000 4792 029 2000 4792 tel:+44-29-2000-4792
+442920005799 +44 29 2000 5799 029 2000 5799 tel:+44-29-2000-5799
+442920090364 +44 29 2009 0364 029 2009 0364 tel:+44-29-2009-0364
+442920098471 +44 29 2009 8471 029 2009 8471 tel:+44-29-2009-8471
+442920098690 +44 29 2009 8690 029 2009 8690 tel:+44-29-2009-8690
+442920100017 +44 29 2010 0017 029 2010 0017 tel:+44-29-2010-0017
+442920100028 +44 29 2010 0028 029 2010 0028 tel:+44-29-2010-0028
+442920100030 +44 29 2010 0030 029 2010 0030 tel:+44-29-2010-0030
+442920109985 +44 29 2010 9985 029 2010 9985 tel:+44-29-2010-9985
+442920109994 +44 29 2010 9994 029 2010 9994 tel:+44-29-2010-9994
+442920376745 +44 29 2037 6745 029 2037 6745 tel:+44-29-2037-6745
+442920442218 +44 29 2044 2218 029 2044 2218 tel:+44-29-2044-2218
+442920445100 +44 29 2044 5100 029 2044 5100 tel:+44-29-2044-5100
+442920491544 +44 29 2049 1544 029 2049 1544 tel:+44-29-2049-1544
+442920858700 +44 29 2085 8700 029 2085 8700 tel:+44-29-2085-8700
+442920881500 +44 29 2088 1500 029 2088 1500 tel:+44-29-2088-1500
+442920886500 +44 29 2088 6500 029 2088 6500 tel:+44-29-2088-6500
+442921156415 +44 29 2115 6415 029 2115 6415 tel:+44-29-2115-6415
+442922229877 +44 29 2222 9877 029 2222 9877 tel:+44-29-2222-9877
+442922229899 +44 29 2222 9899 029 2222 9899 tel:+44-29-2222-9899
+442922250218 +44 29 2225 0218 029 2225 0218 tel:+44-29-2225-0218
+442922250320 +44 29 2225 0320 029 2225 0320 tel:+44-29-2225-0320
+442922402620 +44 29 2240 2620 029 2240 2620 tel:+44-29-2240-2620
+442922403254 +44 29 2240 3254 029 2240 3254 tel:+44-29-2240-3254
+442922403455 +44 29 2240 3455 029 2240 3455 tel:+44-29-2240-3455
+442922404870 +44 29 2240 4870 029 2240 4870 tel:+44-29-2240-4870
+442922404871 +44 29 2240 4871 029 2240 4871 tel:+44-29-2240-4871
+442922404872 +44 29 2240 4872 029 2240 4872 tel:+44-29-2240-4872
+442922404876 +44 29 2240 4876 029 2240 4876 tel:+44-29-2240-4876
+442920958700 +44 29 2095 8700 029 2095 8700 tel:+44-29-2095-8700
+442922710002 +44 29 2271 0002 029 2271 0002 tel:+44-29-2271-0002