Area code 161 (Manchester)

Area code
Local time
541 263
Emergency phone number
999 or 112
Area: Manchester
Area code: 0161
Country Calling Code: +44
E.164 (Country Code): 44
Emergency phone number: 999 or 112
Capital: London
Language: English
Valuta: British Pound (GBP)
Local Time: 02:51
Timezone: Europe/London
Population: 541 263
Land Area: 244 820 KM2

Area code 161 - Manchester

Manchester is located in United Kingdom and has area code 161. When calling a person or company located in Manchester from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +44161 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Manchester is 02:51. Manchester has a population of 541 263 citiciens (2017-07-13).

Manchester - Postal numbers

Manchester has 12 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat

Reported phone numbers in Manchester

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+441612043526 +44 161 204 3526 0161 204 3526 tel:+44-161-204-3526
+441612097345 +44 161 209 7345 0161 209 7345 tel:+44-161-209-7345
+441612105110 +44 161 210 5110 0161 210 5110 tel:+44-161-210-5110
+441612105112 +44 161 210 5112 0161 210 5112 tel:+44-161-210-5112
+441612105940 +44 161 210 5940 0161 210 5940 tel:+44-161-210-5940
+441612127471 +44 161 212 7471 0161 212 7471 tel:+44-161-212-7471
+441612150115 +44 161 215 0115 0161 215 0115 tel:+44-161-215-0115
+441612167636 +44 161 216 7636 0161 216 7636 tel:+44-161-216-7636
+441612178440 +44 161 217 8440 0161 217 8440 tel:+44-161-217-8440
+441612223735 +44 161 222 3735 0161 222 3735 tel:+44-161-222-3735
+441612225411 +44 161 222 5411 0161 222 5411 tel:+44-161-222-5411
+441612250225 +44 161 225 0225 0161 225 0225 tel:+44-161-225-0225
+441612281568 +44 161 228 1568 0161 228 1568 tel:+44-161-228-1568
+441612335780 +44 161 233 5780 0161 233 5780 tel:+44-161-233-5780
+441612338347 +44 161 233 8347 0161 233 8347 tel:+44-161-233-8347
+441612350510 +44 161 235 0510 0161 235 0510 tel:+44-161-235-0510
+441612400809 +44 161 240 0809 0161 240 0809 tel:+44-161-240-0809
+441612400810 +44 161 240 0810 0161 240 0810 tel:+44-161-240-0810
+441612415587 +44 161 241 5587 0161 241 5587 tel:+44-161-241-5587
+441612417356 +44 161 241 7356 0161 241 7356 tel:+44-161-241-7356
+441612448137 +44 161 244 8137 0161 244 8137 tel:+44-161-244-8137
+441612448152 +44 161 244 8152 0161 244 8152 tel:+44-161-244-8152
+441612497180 +44 161 249 7180 0161 249 7180 tel:+44-161-249-7180
+441612497204 +44 161 249 7204 0161 249 7204 tel:+44-161-249-7204
+441612497205 +44 161 249 7205 0161 249 7205 tel:+44-161-249-7205
+441612497206 +44 161 249 7206 0161 249 7206 tel:+44-161-249-7206
+441612497207 +44 161 249 7207 0161 249 7207 tel:+44-161-249-7207
+441612497209 +44 161 249 7209 0161 249 7209 tel:+44-161-249-7209
+441612497281 +44 161 249 7281 0161 249 7281 tel:+44-161-249-7281
+441612497283 +44 161 249 7283 0161 249 7283 tel:+44-161-249-7283
+441612497287 +44 161 249 7287 0161 249 7287 tel:+44-161-249-7287
+441612497289 +44 161 249 7289 0161 249 7289 tel:+44-161-249-7289
+441612497314 +44 161 249 7314 0161 249 7314 tel:+44-161-249-7314
+441612497315 +44 161 249 7315 0161 249 7315 tel:+44-161-249-7315
+441612497316 +44 161 249 7316 0161 249 7316 tel:+44-161-249-7316
+441612497317 +44 161 249 7317 0161 249 7317 tel:+44-161-249-7317
+441612497318 +44 161 249 7318 0161 249 7318 tel:+44-161-249-7318
+441612497319 +44 161 249 7319 0161 249 7319 tel:+44-161-249-7319
+441612497320 +44 161 249 7320 0161 249 7320 tel:+44-161-249-7320
+441612497322 +44 161 249 7322 0161 249 7322 tel:+44-161-249-7322
+441612497326 +44 161 249 7326 0161 249 7326 tel:+44-161-249-7326
+441612497331 +44 161 249 7331 0161 249 7331 tel:+44-161-249-7331
+441612497332 +44 161 249 7332 0161 249 7332 tel:+44-161-249-7332
+441612497334 +44 161 249 7334 0161 249 7334 tel:+44-161-249-7334
+441612497360 +44 161 249 7360 0161 249 7360 tel:+44-161-249-7360
+441612497361 +44 161 249 7361 0161 249 7361 tel:+44-161-249-7361
+441612497362 +44 161 249 7362 0161 249 7362 tel:+44-161-249-7362
+441612497364 +44 161 249 7364 0161 249 7364 tel:+44-161-249-7364
+441612497365 +44 161 249 7365 0161 249 7365 tel:+44-161-249-7365
+441612497367 +44 161 249 7367 0161 249 7367 tel:+44-161-249-7367