Area code 118 (Reading)

Area code
Local time
318 014
Emergency phone number
999 or 112
Area: Reading
Area code: 0118
Country Calling Code: +44
E.164 (Country Code): 44
Emergency phone number: 999 or 112
Capital: London
Language: English
Valuta: British Pound (GBP)
Local Time: 21:09
Timezone: Europe/London
Population: 318 014
Land Area: 244 820 KM2

Area code 118 - Reading

Reading is located in United Kingdom and has area code 118. When calling a person or company located in Reading from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +44118 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Reading is 21:09. Reading has a population of 318 014 citiciens (2021-08-08).

Reading - Postal numbers

Reading has 4 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
TN30Reading StreetEngland0.7208/51.0275

Reported phone numbers in Reading

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+441183150920 +44 118 315 0920 0118 315 0920 tel:+44-118-315-0920
+441183280157 +44 118 328 0157 0118 328 0157 tel:+44-118-328-0157
+441183280307 +44 118 328 0307 0118 328 0307 tel:+44-118-328-0307
+441183280417 +44 118 328 0417 0118 328 0417 tel:+44-118-328-0417
+441183280473 +44 118 328 0473 0118 328 0473 tel:+44-118-328-0473
+441183280972 +44 118 328 0972 0118 328 0972 tel:+44-118-328-0972
+441183282248 +44 118 328 2248 0118 328 2248 tel:+44-118-328-2248
+441183282326 +44 118 328 2326 0118 328 2326 tel:+44-118-328-2326
+441183282353 +44 118 328 2353 0118 328 2353 tel:+44-118-328-2353
+441183282391 +44 118 328 2391 0118 328 2391 tel:+44-118-328-2391
+441183282709 +44 118 328 2709 0118 328 2709 tel:+44-118-328-2709
+441183283140 +44 118 328 3140 0118 328 3140 tel:+44-118-328-3140
+441183283265 +44 118 328 3265 0118 328 3265 tel:+44-118-328-3265
+441183283345 +44 118 328 3345 0118 328 3345 tel:+44-118-328-3345
+441183283391 +44 118 328 3391 0118 328 3391 tel:+44-118-328-3391
+441183287037 +44 118 328 7037 0118 328 7037 tel:+44-118-328-7037
+441183320232 +44 118 332 0232 0118 332 0232 tel:+44-118-332-0232
+441183320233 +44 118 332 0233 0118 332 0233 tel:+44-118-332-0233
+441183583771 +44 118 358 3771 0118 358 3771 tel:+44-118-358-3771
+441183593102 +44 118 359 3102 0118 359 3102 tel:+44-118-359-3102
+441183600001 +44 118 360 0001 0118 360 0001 tel:+44-118-360-0001
+441183670015 +44 118 367 0015 0118 367 0015 tel:+44-118-367-0015
+441189049938 +44 118 904 9938 0118 904 9938 tel:+44-118-904-9938
+441189099583 +44 118 909 9583 0118 909 9583 tel:+44-118-909-9583
+441189116350 +44 118 911 6350 0118 911 6350 tel:+44-118-911-6350
+441189129771 +44 118 912 9771 0118 912 9771 tel:+44-118-912-9771
+441189835555 +44 118 983 5555 0118 983 5555 tel:+44-118-983-5555
+441189838270 +44 118 983 8270 0118 983 8270 tel:+44-118-983-8270