Phone number +97444205024
16481 Lookups |
Reports |
Unsafe Conclusion |
Phone number details and history
Phone number details and history
This phone number has recived many reports of being used by a sales company.
Phone number 4420 5024 with countrycode 974 originate from Qatar and it is a fixed line telephone number. Qatars iso codes are QA and QAT, local time is 20:46:13.
How to call 97444205024 from abroad
When calling from abroad use either two zeros (00) or a plus sign (+) followed by the country code before typing the number. Example: +974 44205024 or 00974 44205024.
This number is a valid existing number.
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Reported activities
Score: 0/100
2021-08-02 06:42:05
They claim to be from Ooredoo and advertising offers with Hala.
2021-07-30 04:36:47
They said they are from ooredoo?
2021-11-07 08:53:12
Even if many times we decline for their promotion to upgrade HALA plan they kept on calling. Can't they wait for customers to ask and stop calling them anytime of the day. Me personally I do not want to be called for marketing purposes. We don't know also maybe this is some scam.