Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 19:44
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 19:44.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573217234958 +57 321 7234958 321 7234958 tel:+57-321-7234958
+573219000842 +57 321 9000842 321 9000842 tel:+57-321-9000842
+573219102599 +57 321 9102599 321 9102599 tel:+57-321-9102599
+573219117697 +57 321 9117697 321 9117697 tel:+57-321-9117697
+573219484972 +57 321 9484972 321 9484972 tel:+57-321-9484972
+573219496104 +57 321 9496104 321 9496104 tel:+57-321-9496104
+573219512365 +57 321 9512365 321 9512365 tel:+57-321-9512365
+573219519689 +57 321 9519689 321 9519689 tel:+57-321-9519689
+573219520322 +57 321 9520322 321 9520322 tel:+57-321-9520322
+573219526212 +57 321 9526212 321 9526212 tel:+57-321-9526212
+573219526231 +57 321 9526231 321 9526231 tel:+57-321-9526231
+573219527482 +57 321 9527482 321 9527482 tel:+57-321-9527482
+573219529814 +57 321 9529814 321 9529814 tel:+57-321-9529814
+573219541505 +57 321 9541505 321 9541505 tel:+57-321-9541505
+573219549884 +57 321 9549884 321 9549884 tel:+57-321-9549884
+573219551144 +57 321 9551144 321 9551144 tel:+57-321-9551144
+573219819367 +57 321 9819367 321 9819367 tel:+57-321-9819367
+573219868254 +57 321 9868254 321 9868254 tel:+57-321-9868254
+573219873312 +57 321 9873312 321 9873312 tel:+57-321-9873312
+573219882319 +57 321 9882319 321 9882319 tel:+57-321-9882319
+573219898999 +57 321 9898999 321 9898999 tel:+57-321-9898999
+573219900611 +57 321 9900611 321 9900611 tel:+57-321-9900611
+573222001303 +57 322 2001303 322 2001303 tel:+57-322-2001303
+573222080124 +57 322 2080124 322 2080124 tel:+57-322-2080124
+573222097718 +57 322 2097718 322 2097718 tel:+57-322-2097718
+573222104047 +57 322 2104047 322 2104047 tel:+57-322-2104047
+573222237781 +57 322 2237781 322 2237781 tel:+57-322-2237781
+573222237837 +57 322 2237837 322 2237837 tel:+57-322-2237837
+573222238867 +57 322 2238867 322 2238867 tel:+57-322-2238867
+573222241830 +57 322 2241830 322 2241830 tel:+57-322-2241830
+573222241841 +57 322 2241841 322 2241841 tel:+57-322-2241841
+573222242175 +57 322 2242175 322 2242175 tel:+57-322-2242175
+573222242196 +57 322 2242196 322 2242196 tel:+57-322-2242196
+573222479223 +57 322 2479223 322 2479223 tel:+57-322-2479223
+573222494163 +57 322 2494163 322 2494163 tel:+57-322-2494163
+573222501769 +57 322 2501769 322 2501769 tel:+57-322-2501769
+573222502975 +57 322 2502975 322 2502975 tel:+57-322-2502975
+573222503018 +57 322 2503018 322 2503018 tel:+57-322-2503018
+573222504275 +57 322 2504275 322 2504275 tel:+57-322-2504275
+573222520523 +57 322 2520523 322 2520523 tel:+57-322-2520523
+573222649653 +57 322 2649653 322 2649653 tel:+57-322-2649653
+573222649658 +57 322 2649658 322 2649658 tel:+57-322-2649658
+573222650849 +57 322 2650849 322 2650849 tel:+57-322-2650849
+573222650853 +57 322 2650853 322 2650853 tel:+57-322-2650853
+573222669788 +57 322 2669788 322 2669788 tel:+57-322-2669788
+573222737251 +57 322 2737251 322 2737251 tel:+57-322-2737251
+573222737252 +57 322 2737252 322 2737252 tel:+57-322-2737252
+573222738442 +57 322 2738442 322 2738442 tel:+57-322-2738442
+573222742192 +57 322 2742192 322 2742192 tel:+57-322-2742192
+573222742207 +57 322 2742207 322 2742207 tel:+57-322-2742207