Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 08:51
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 08:51.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573012031674 +57 301 2031674 301 2031674 tel:+57-301-2031674
+573012091045 +57 301 2091045 301 2091045 tel:+57-301-2091045
+573012113665 +57 301 2113665 301 2113665 tel:+57-301-2113665
+573012117487 +57 301 2117487 301 2117487 tel:+57-301-2117487
+573012117751 +57 301 2117751 301 2117751 tel:+57-301-2117751
+573012117907 +57 301 2117907 301 2117907 tel:+57-301-2117907
+573012118067 +57 301 2118067 301 2118067 tel:+57-301-2118067
+573012119653 +57 301 2119653 301 2119653 tel:+57-301-2119653
+573012119693 +57 301 2119693 301 2119693 tel:+57-301-2119693
+573012119741 +57 301 2119741 301 2119741 tel:+57-301-2119741
+573012119877 +57 301 2119877 301 2119877 tel:+57-301-2119877
+573012119922 +57 301 2119922 301 2119922 tel:+57-301-2119922
+573012128194 +57 301 2128194 301 2128194 tel:+57-301-2128194
+573012128231 +57 301 2128231 301 2128231 tel:+57-301-2128231
+573012130664 +57 301 2130664 301 2130664 tel:+57-301-2130664
+573012143849 +57 301 2143849 301 2143849 tel:+57-301-2143849
+573012147208 +57 301 2147208 301 2147208 tel:+57-301-2147208
+573012175573 +57 301 2175573 301 2175573 tel:+57-301-2175573
+573012191513 +57 301 2191513 301 2191513 tel:+57-301-2191513
+573012221246 +57 301 2221246 301 2221246 tel:+57-301-2221246
+573012245071 +57 301 2245071 301 2245071 tel:+57-301-2245071
+573012280377 +57 301 2280377 301 2280377 tel:+57-301-2280377
+573012312100 +57 301 2312100 301 2312100 tel:+57-301-2312100
+573012312327 +57 301 2312327 301 2312327 tel:+57-301-2312327
+573012314473 +57 301 2314473 301 2314473 tel:+57-301-2314473
+573012314582 +57 301 2314582 301 2314582 tel:+57-301-2314582
+573012314682 +57 301 2314682 301 2314682 tel:+57-301-2314682
+573012314801 +57 301 2314801 301 2314801 tel:+57-301-2314801
+573012314833 +57 301 2314833 301 2314833 tel:+57-301-2314833
+573012316356 +57 301 2316356 301 2316356 tel:+57-301-2316356
+573012316508 +57 301 2316508 301 2316508 tel:+57-301-2316508
+573012316615 +57 301 2316615 301 2316615 tel:+57-301-2316615
+573012316702 +57 301 2316702 301 2316702 tel:+57-301-2316702
+573012318244 +57 301 2318244 301 2318244 tel:+57-301-2318244
+573012318264 +57 301 2318264 301 2318264 tel:+57-301-2318264
+573012320317 +57 301 2320317 301 2320317 tel:+57-301-2320317
+573012320367 +57 301 2320367 301 2320367 tel:+57-301-2320367
+573012320438 +57 301 2320438 301 2320438 tel:+57-301-2320438
+573012320529 +57 301 2320529 301 2320529 tel:+57-301-2320529
+573012320620 +57 301 2320620 301 2320620 tel:+57-301-2320620
+573012320803 +57 301 2320803 301 2320803 tel:+57-301-2320803
+573012321127 +57 301 2321127 301 2321127 tel:+57-301-2321127
+573012322607 +57 301 2322607 301 2322607 tel:+57-301-2322607
+573012322898 +57 301 2322898 301 2322898 tel:+57-301-2322898
+573012323186 +57 301 2323186 301 2323186 tel:+57-301-2323186
+573012323202 +57 301 2323202 301 2323202 tel:+57-301-2323202
+573012323504 +57 301 2323504 301 2323504 tel:+57-301-2323504
+573012326315 +57 301 2326315 301 2326315 tel:+57-301-2326315
+573012327179 +57 301 2327179 301 2327179 tel:+57-301-2327179
+573012327518 +57 301 2327518 301 2327518 tel:+57-301-2327518