Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 21:11
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 21:11.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573012329191 +57 301 2329191 301 2329191 tel:+57-301-2329191
+573012346338 +57 301 2346338 301 2346338 tel:+57-301-2346338
+573012388533 +57 301 2388533 301 2388533 tel:+57-301-2388533
+573012472839 +57 301 2472839 301 2472839 tel:+57-301-2472839
+573012472840 +57 301 2472840 301 2472840 tel:+57-301-2472840
+573012472941 +57 301 2472941 301 2472941 tel:+57-301-2472941
+573012473406 +57 301 2473406 301 2473406 tel:+57-301-2473406
+573012475499 +57 301 2475499 301 2475499 tel:+57-301-2475499
+573012475516 +57 301 2475516 301 2475516 tel:+57-301-2475516
+573012476810 +57 301 2476810 301 2476810 tel:+57-301-2476810
+573012476917 +57 301 2476917 301 2476917 tel:+57-301-2476917
+573012477098 +57 301 2477098 301 2477098 tel:+57-301-2477098
+573012477148 +57 301 2477148 301 2477148 tel:+57-301-2477148
+573012478666 +57 301 2478666 301 2478666 tel:+57-301-2478666
+573012478760 +57 301 2478760 301 2478760 tel:+57-301-2478760
+573012478766 +57 301 2478766 301 2478766 tel:+57-301-2478766
+573012478852 +57 301 2478852 301 2478852 tel:+57-301-2478852
+573012480792 +57 301 2480792 301 2480792 tel:+57-301-2480792
+573012480993 +57 301 2480993 301 2480993 tel:+57-301-2480993
+573012481244 +57 301 2481244 301 2481244 tel:+57-301-2481244
+573012498184 +57 301 2498184 301 2498184 tel:+57-301-2498184
+573012515983 +57 301 2515983 301 2515983 tel:+57-301-2515983
+573012519119 +57 301 2519119 301 2519119 tel:+57-301-2519119
+573012519128 +57 301 2519128 301 2519128 tel:+57-301-2519128
+573012608870 +57 301 2608870 301 2608870 tel:+57-301-2608870
+573012625756 +57 301 2625756 301 2625756 tel:+57-301-2625756
+573012682039 +57 301 2682039 301 2682039 tel:+57-301-2682039
+573012721448 +57 301 2721448 301 2721448 tel:+57-301-2721448
+573012734406 +57 301 2734406 301 2734406 tel:+57-301-2734406
+573012742972 +57 301 2742972 301 2742972 tel:+57-301-2742972
+573012795117 +57 301 2795117 301 2795117 tel:+57-301-2795117
+573012799154 +57 301 2799154 301 2799154 tel:+57-301-2799154
+573012821809 +57 301 2821809 301 2821809 tel:+57-301-2821809
+573012823520 +57 301 2823520 301 2823520 tel:+57-301-2823520
+573012911858 +57 301 2911858 301 2911858 tel:+57-301-2911858
+573012929248 +57 301 2929248 301 2929248 tel:+57-301-2929248
+573012932365 +57 301 2932365 301 2932365 tel:+57-301-2932365
+573012932501 +57 301 2932501 301 2932501 tel:+57-301-2932501
+573012932666 +57 301 2932666 301 2932666 tel:+57-301-2932666
+573012932693 +57 301 2932693 301 2932693 tel:+57-301-2932693
+573012932772 +57 301 2932772 301 2932772 tel:+57-301-2932772
+573012932914 +57 301 2932914 301 2932914 tel:+57-301-2932914
+573012933022 +57 301 2933022 301 2933022 tel:+57-301-2933022
+573012961966 +57 301 2961966 301 2961966 tel:+57-301-2961966
+573012977377 +57 301 2977377 301 2977377 tel:+57-301-2977377
+573012992284 +57 301 2992284 301 2992284 tel:+57-301-2992284
+573012998626 +57 301 2998626 301 2998626 tel:+57-301-2998626
+573013086018 +57 301 3086018 301 3086018 tel:+57-301-3086018
+573013154890 +57 301 3154890 301 3154890 tel:+57-301-3154890
+573013219617 +57 301 3219617 301 3219617 tel:+57-301-3219617