Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 12:43
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 12:43.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573125108031 +57 312 5108031 312 5108031 tel:+57-312-5108031
+573125112809 +57 312 5112809 312 5112809 tel:+57-312-5112809
+573125124281 +57 312 5124281 312 5124281 tel:+57-312-5124281
+573125211898 +57 312 5211898 312 5211898 tel:+57-312-5211898
+573125221763 +57 312 5221763 312 5221763 tel:+57-312-5221763
+573125255340 +57 312 5255340 312 5255340 tel:+57-312-5255340
+573125266708 +57 312 5266708 312 5266708 tel:+57-312-5266708
+573125295063 +57 312 5295063 312 5295063 tel:+57-312-5295063
+573125296449 +57 312 5296449 312 5296449 tel:+57-312-5296449
+573125298929 +57 312 5298929 312 5298929 tel:+57-312-5298929
+573125299844 +57 312 5299844 312 5299844 tel:+57-312-5299844
+573125304970 +57 312 5304970 312 5304970 tel:+57-312-5304970
+573125309501 +57 312 5309501 312 5309501 tel:+57-312-5309501
+573125311305 +57 312 5311305 312 5311305 tel:+57-312-5311305
+573125516926 +57 312 5516926 312 5516926 tel:+57-312-5516926
+573125816142 +57 312 5816142 312 5816142 tel:+57-312-5816142
+573127407154 +57 312 7407154 312 7407154 tel:+57-312-7407154
+573127846647 +57 312 7846647 312 7846647 tel:+57-312-7846647
+573127860074 +57 312 7860074 312 7860074 tel:+57-312-7860074
+573127866098 +57 312 7866098 312 7866098 tel:+57-312-7866098
+573127875937 +57 312 7875937 312 7875937 tel:+57-312-7875937
+573128804358 +57 312 8804358 312 8804358 tel:+57-312-8804358
+573128838123 +57 312 8838123 312 8838123 tel:+57-312-8838123
+573132043427 +57 313 2043427 313 2043427 tel:+57-313-2043427
+573132054069 +57 313 2054069 313 2054069 tel:+57-313-2054069
+573132103822 +57 313 2103822 313 2103822 tel:+57-313-2103822
+573132107181 +57 313 2107181 313 2107181 tel:+57-313-2107181
+573132153563 +57 313 2153563 313 2153563 tel:+57-313-2153563
+573132291004 +57 313 2291004 313 2291004 tel:+57-313-2291004
+573132293799 +57 313 2293799 313 2293799 tel:+57-313-2293799
+573132335676 +57 313 2335676 313 2335676 tel:+57-313-2335676
+573132381183 +57 313 2381183 313 2381183 tel:+57-313-2381183
+573132425075 +57 313 2425075 313 2425075 tel:+57-313-2425075
+573132518549 +57 313 2518549 313 2518549 tel:+57-313-2518549
+573132551175 +57 313 2551175 313 2551175 tel:+57-313-2551175
+573132581784 +57 313 2581784 313 2581784 tel:+57-313-2581784
+573132583647 +57 313 2583647 313 2583647 tel:+57-313-2583647
+573132602020 +57 313 2602020 313 2602020 tel:+57-313-2602020
+573132737071 +57 313 2737071 313 2737071 tel:+57-313-2737071
+573132772239 +57 313 2772239 313 2772239 tel:+57-313-2772239
+573132777097 +57 313 2777097 313 2777097 tel:+57-313-2777097
+573132832863 +57 313 2832863 313 2832863 tel:+57-313-2832863
+573132886277 +57 313 2886277 313 2886277 tel:+57-313-2886277
+573133005757 +57 313 3005757 313 3005757 tel:+57-313-3005757
+573133820887 +57 313 3820887 313 3820887 tel:+57-313-3820887
+573133836136 +57 313 3836136 313 3836136 tel:+57-313-3836136
+573134842016 +57 313 4842016 313 4842016 tel:+57-313-4842016
+573134843322 +57 313 4843322 313 4843322 tel:+57-313-4843322
+573134844524 +57 313 4844524 313 4844524 tel:+57-313-4844524
+573134951362 +57 313 4951362 313 4951362 tel:+57-313-4951362