Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 08:09
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 08:09.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573023301893 +57 302 3301893 302 3301893 tel:+57-302-3301893
+573023380004 +57 302 3380004 302 3380004 tel:+57-302-3380004
+573023382884 +57 302 3382884 302 3382884 tel:+57-302-3382884
+573023382893 +57 302 3382893 302 3382893 tel:+57-302-3382893
+573023400484 +57 302 3400484 302 3400484 tel:+57-302-3400484
+573023413520 +57 302 3413520 302 3413520 tel:+57-302-3413520
+573023413521 +57 302 3413521 302 3413521 tel:+57-302-3413521
+573023413522 +57 302 3413522 302 3413522 tel:+57-302-3413522
+573023413523 +57 302 3413523 302 3413523 tel:+57-302-3413523
+573023460022 +57 302 3460022 302 3460022 tel:+57-302-3460022
+573023460023 +57 302 3460023 302 3460023 tel:+57-302-3460023
+573023460065 +57 302 3460065 302 3460065 tel:+57-302-3460065
+573023464563 +57 302 3464563 302 3464563 tel:+57-302-3464563
+573023914722 +57 302 3914722 302 3914722 tel:+57-302-3914722
+573023914743 +57 302 3914743 302 3914743 tel:+57-302-3914743
+573023933159 +57 302 3933159 302 3933159 tel:+57-302-3933159
+573023933188 +57 302 3933188 302 3933188 tel:+57-302-3933188
+573023933201 +57 302 3933201 302 3933201 tel:+57-302-3933201
+573023933208 +57 302 3933208 302 3933208 tel:+57-302-3933208
+573023944035 +57 302 3944035 302 3944035 tel:+57-302-3944035
+573023944054 +57 302 3944054 302 3944054 tel:+57-302-3944054
+573024460398 +57 302 4460398 302 4460398 tel:+57-302-4460398
+573024630767 +57 302 4630767 302 4630767 tel:+57-302-4630767
+573024630791 +57 302 4630791 302 4630791 tel:+57-302-4630791
+573024630804 +57 302 4630804 302 4630804 tel:+57-302-4630804
+573024632295 +57 302 4632295 302 4632295 tel:+57-302-4632295
+573024632333 +57 302 4632333 302 4632333 tel:+57-302-4632333
+573024635194 +57 302 4635194 302 4635194 tel:+57-302-4635194
+573024635225 +57 302 4635225 302 4635225 tel:+57-302-4635225
+573024636768 +57 302 4636768 302 4636768 tel:+57-302-4636768
+573024636827 +57 302 4636827 302 4636827 tel:+57-302-4636827
+573024637572 +57 302 4637572 302 4637572 tel:+57-302-4637572
+573024638633 +57 302 4638633 302 4638633 tel:+57-302-4638633
+573024638697 +57 302 4638697 302 4638697 tel:+57-302-4638697
+573024640203 +57 302 4640203 302 4640203 tel:+57-302-4640203
+573024640223 +57 302 4640223 302 4640223 tel:+57-302-4640223
+573024640280 +57 302 4640280 302 4640280 tel:+57-302-4640280
+573024645564 +57 302 4645564 302 4645564 tel:+57-302-4645564
+573024645584 +57 302 4645584 302 4645584 tel:+57-302-4645584
+573024645681 +57 302 4645681 302 4645681 tel:+57-302-4645681
+573024647828 +57 302 4647828 302 4647828 tel:+57-302-4647828
+573024648856 +57 302 4648856 302 4648856 tel:+57-302-4648856
+573024648875 +57 302 4648875 302 4648875 tel:+57-302-4648875
+573024672830 +57 302 4672830 302 4672830 tel:+57-302-4672830
+573024672853 +57 302 4672853 302 4672853 tel:+57-302-4672853
+573024672873 +57 302 4672873 302 4672873 tel:+57-302-4672873
+573024672896 +57 302 4672896 302 4672896 tel:+57-302-4672896
+573024675193 +57 302 4675193 302 4675193 tel:+57-302-4675193
+573024677362 +57 302 4677362 302 4677362 tel:+57-302-4677362
+573024677377 +57 302 4677377 302 4677377 tel:+57-302-4677377