Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 00:06
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 00:06.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573173317793 +57 317 3317793 317 3317793 tel:+57-317-3317793
+573173397048 +57 317 3397048 317 3397048 tel:+57-317-3397048
+573173636054 +57 317 3636054 317 3636054 tel:+57-317-3636054
+573173653673 +57 317 3653673 317 3653673 tel:+57-317-3653673
+573173665441 +57 317 3665441 317 3665441 tel:+57-317-3665441
+573173673211 +57 317 3673211 317 3673211 tel:+57-317-3673211
+573173677064 +57 317 3677064 317 3677064 tel:+57-317-3677064
+573173677664 +57 317 3677664 317 3677664 tel:+57-317-3677664
+573173677668 +57 317 3677668 317 3677668 tel:+57-317-3677668
+573173677674 +57 317 3677674 317 3677674 tel:+57-317-3677674
+573173679397 +57 317 3679397 317 3679397 tel:+57-317-3679397
+573173682347 +57 317 3682347 317 3682347 tel:+57-317-3682347
+573173684041 +57 317 3684041 317 3684041 tel:+57-317-3684041
+573173689810 +57 317 3689810 317 3689810 tel:+57-317-3689810
+573173705939 +57 317 3705939 317 3705939 tel:+57-317-3705939
+573173707170 +57 317 3707170 317 3707170 tel:+57-317-3707170
+573173710242 +57 317 3710242 317 3710242 tel:+57-317-3710242
+573173711045 +57 317 3711045 317 3711045 tel:+57-317-3711045
+573173715289 +57 317 3715289 317 3715289 tel:+57-317-3715289
+573173720445 +57 317 3720445 317 3720445 tel:+57-317-3720445
+573173723865 +57 317 3723865 317 3723865 tel:+57-317-3723865
+573173724581 +57 317 3724581 317 3724581 tel:+57-317-3724581
+573173727246 +57 317 3727246 317 3727246 tel:+57-317-3727246
+573173835815 +57 317 3835815 317 3835815 tel:+57-317-3835815
+573173837172 +57 317 3837172 317 3837172 tel:+57-317-3837172
+573173837303 +57 317 3837303 317 3837303 tel:+57-317-3837303
+573174004406 +57 317 4004406 317 4004406 tel:+57-317-4004406
+573174005751 +57 317 4005751 317 4005751 tel:+57-317-4005751
+573174010578 +57 317 4010578 317 4010578 tel:+57-317-4010578
+573174010893 +57 317 4010893 317 4010893 tel:+57-317-4010893
+573174012609 +57 317 4012609 317 4012609 tel:+57-317-4012609
+573174013908 +57 317 4013908 317 4013908 tel:+57-317-4013908
+573174015660 +57 317 4015660 317 4015660 tel:+57-317-4015660
+573174021367 +57 317 4021367 317 4021367 tel:+57-317-4021367
+573174022613 +57 317 4022613 317 4022613 tel:+57-317-4022613
+573174025379 +57 317 4025379 317 4025379 tel:+57-317-4025379
+573174025480 +57 317 4025480 317 4025480 tel:+57-317-4025480
+573174030171 +57 317 4030171 317 4030171 tel:+57-317-4030171
+573174030530 +57 317 4030530 317 4030530 tel:+57-317-4030530
+573174031993 +57 317 4031993 317 4031993 tel:+57-317-4031993
+573174037283 +57 317 4037283 317 4037283 tel:+57-317-4037283
+573174039958 +57 317 4039958 317 4039958 tel:+57-317-4039958
+573174041288 +57 317 4041288 317 4041288 tel:+57-317-4041288
+573174043983 +57 317 4043983 317 4043983 tel:+57-317-4043983
+573174046280 +57 317 4046280 317 4046280 tel:+57-317-4046280
+573174047802 +57 317 4047802 317 4047802 tel:+57-317-4047802
+573174047928 +57 317 4047928 317 4047928 tel:+57-317-4047928
+573174050355 +57 317 4050355 317 4050355 tel:+57-317-4050355
+573174074890 +57 317 4074890 317 4074890 tel:+57-317-4074890
+573174231515 +57 317 4231515 317 4231515 tel:+57-317-4231515