Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 01:48
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 01:48.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573178933505 +57 317 8933505 317 8933505 tel:+57-317-8933505
+573178933506 +57 317 8933506 317 8933506 tel:+57-317-8933506
+573178933508 +57 317 8933508 317 8933508 tel:+57-317-8933508
+573178933509 +57 317 8933509 317 8933509 tel:+57-317-8933509
+573178933510 +57 317 8933510 317 8933510 tel:+57-317-8933510
+573178933512 +57 317 8933512 317 8933512 tel:+57-317-8933512
+573178933579 +57 317 8933579 317 8933579 tel:+57-317-8933579
+573178933590 +57 317 8933590 317 8933590 tel:+57-317-8933590
+573178933591 +57 317 8933591 317 8933591 tel:+57-317-8933591
+573178933592 +57 317 8933592 317 8933592 tel:+57-317-8933592
+573178933593 +57 317 8933593 317 8933593 tel:+57-317-8933593
+573178933595 +57 317 8933595 317 8933595 tel:+57-317-8933595
+573178933596 +57 317 8933596 317 8933596 tel:+57-317-8933596
+573178933597 +57 317 8933597 317 8933597 tel:+57-317-8933597
+573178933598 +57 317 8933598 317 8933598 tel:+57-317-8933598
+573178933599 +57 317 8933599 317 8933599 tel:+57-317-8933599
+573178933600 +57 317 8933600 317 8933600 tel:+57-317-8933600
+573178933601 +57 317 8933601 317 8933601 tel:+57-317-8933601
+573178933602 +57 317 8933602 317 8933602 tel:+57-317-8933602
+573178933603 +57 317 8933603 317 8933603 tel:+57-317-8933603
+573178933604 +57 317 8933604 317 8933604 tel:+57-317-8933604
+573178933605 +57 317 8933605 317 8933605 tel:+57-317-8933605
+573178933606 +57 317 8933606 317 8933606 tel:+57-317-8933606
+573178933607 +57 317 8933607 317 8933607 tel:+57-317-8933607
+573178933608 +57 317 8933608 317 8933608 tel:+57-317-8933608
+573178933609 +57 317 8933609 317 8933609 tel:+57-317-8933609
+573178933610 +57 317 8933610 317 8933610 tel:+57-317-8933610
+573178933611 +57 317 8933611 317 8933611 tel:+57-317-8933611
+573178933612 +57 317 8933612 317 8933612 tel:+57-317-8933612
+573178933658 +57 317 8933658 317 8933658 tel:+57-317-8933658
+573178933659 +57 317 8933659 317 8933659 tel:+57-317-8933659
+573178933779 +57 317 8933779 317 8933779 tel:+57-317-8933779
+573178933781 +57 317 8933781 317 8933781 tel:+57-317-8933781
+573178933782 +57 317 8933782 317 8933782 tel:+57-317-8933782
+573178933783 +57 317 8933783 317 8933783 tel:+57-317-8933783
+573178933784 +57 317 8933784 317 8933784 tel:+57-317-8933784
+573178933785 +57 317 8933785 317 8933785 tel:+57-317-8933785
+573178933869 +57 317 8933869 317 8933869 tel:+57-317-8933869
+573178933876 +57 317 8933876 317 8933876 tel:+57-317-8933876
+573178933877 +57 317 8933877 317 8933877 tel:+57-317-8933877
+573178933878 +57 317 8933878 317 8933878 tel:+57-317-8933878
+573178933912 +57 317 8933912 317 8933912 tel:+57-317-8933912
+573178933913 +57 317 8933913 317 8933913 tel:+57-317-8933913
+573178933914 +57 317 8933914 317 8933914 tel:+57-317-8933914
+573178933932 +57 317 8933932 317 8933932 tel:+57-317-8933932
+573178933947 +57 317 8933947 317 8933947 tel:+57-317-8933947
+573178933948 +57 317 8933948 317 8933948 tel:+57-317-8933948
+573178933949 +57 317 8933949 317 8933949 tel:+57-317-8933949
+573178933950 +57 317 8933950 317 8933950 tel:+57-317-8933950
+573178933951 +57 317 8933951 317 8933951 tel:+57-317-8933951