Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 16:31
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 16:31.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573175649895 +57 317 5649895 317 5649895 tel:+57-317-5649895
+573175650664 +57 317 5650664 317 5650664 tel:+57-317-5650664
+573175651142 +57 317 5651142 317 5651142 tel:+57-317-5651142
+573175738113 +57 317 5738113 317 5738113 tel:+57-317-5738113
+573175739185 +57 317 5739185 317 5739185 tel:+57-317-5739185
+573175860129 +57 317 5860129 317 5860129 tel:+57-317-5860129
+573175861175 +57 317 5861175 317 5861175 tel:+57-317-5861175
+573176350155 +57 317 6350155 317 6350155 tel:+57-317-6350155
+573176353046 +57 317 6353046 317 6353046 tel:+57-317-6353046
+573176353050 +57 317 6353050 317 6353050 tel:+57-317-6353050
+573176353058 +57 317 6353058 317 6353058 tel:+57-317-6353058
+573176354051 +57 317 6354051 317 6354051 tel:+57-317-6354051
+573176378671 +57 317 6378671 317 6378671 tel:+57-317-6378671
+573176385412 +57 317 6385412 317 6385412 tel:+57-317-6385412
+573176411934 +57 317 6411934 317 6411934 tel:+57-317-6411934
+573176424319 +57 317 6424319 317 6424319 tel:+57-317-6424319
+573176438447 +57 317 6438447 317 6438447 tel:+57-317-6438447
+573176438448 +57 317 6438448 317 6438448 tel:+57-317-6438448
+573176438449 +57 317 6438449 317 6438449 tel:+57-317-6438449
+573176438453 +57 317 6438453 317 6438453 tel:+57-317-6438453
+573176438454 +57 317 6438454 317 6438454 tel:+57-317-6438454
+573176438455 +57 317 6438455 317 6438455 tel:+57-317-6438455
+573176438460 +57 317 6438460 317 6438460 tel:+57-317-6438460
+573176438465 +57 317 6438465 317 6438465 tel:+57-317-6438465
+573176438475 +57 317 6438475 317 6438475 tel:+57-317-6438475
+573176438478 +57 317 6438478 317 6438478 tel:+57-317-6438478
+573176475694 +57 317 6475694 317 6475694 tel:+57-317-6475694
+573176481241 +57 317 6481241 317 6481241 tel:+57-317-6481241
+573176484348 +57 317 6484348 317 6484348 tel:+57-317-6484348
+573176506739 +57 317 6506739 317 6506739 tel:+57-317-6506739
+573176507586 +57 317 6507586 317 6507586 tel:+57-317-6507586
+573176542203 +57 317 6542203 317 6542203 tel:+57-317-6542203
+573176543135 +57 317 6543135 317 6543135 tel:+57-317-6543135
+573176543715 +57 317 6543715 317 6543715 tel:+57-317-6543715
+573176548315 +57 317 6548315 317 6548315 tel:+57-317-6548315
+573176597382 +57 317 6597382 317 6597382 tel:+57-317-6597382
+573176679427 +57 317 6679427 317 6679427 tel:+57-317-6679427
+573176682317 +57 317 6682317 317 6682317 tel:+57-317-6682317
+573176715092 +57 317 6715092 317 6715092 tel:+57-317-6715092
+573176723505 +57 317 6723505 317 6723505 tel:+57-317-6723505
+573177316505 +57 317 7316505 317 7316505 tel:+57-317-7316505
+573177636957 +57 317 7636957 317 7636957 tel:+57-317-7636957
+573178619062 +57 317 8619062 317 8619062 tel:+57-317-8619062
+573178644494 +57 317 8644494 317 8644494 tel:+57-317-8644494
+573178656038 +57 317 8656038 317 8656038 tel:+57-317-8656038
+573178895322 +57 317 8895322 317 8895322 tel:+57-317-8895322
+573178929013 +57 317 8929013 317 8929013 tel:+57-317-8929013
+573178933502 +57 317 8933502 317 8933502 tel:+57-317-8933502
+573178933503 +57 317 8933503 317 8933503 tel:+57-317-8933503
+573178933504 +57 317 8933504 317 8933504 tel:+57-317-8933504