Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 13:37
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 13:37.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573183379885 +57 318 3379885 318 3379885 tel:+57-318-3379885
+573183382190 +57 318 3382190 318 3382190 tel:+57-318-3382190
+573183382760 +57 318 3382760 318 3382760 tel:+57-318-3382760
+573183384617 +57 318 3384617 318 3384617 tel:+57-318-3384617
+573183385031 +57 318 3385031 318 3385031 tel:+57-318-3385031
+573183385092 +57 318 3385092 318 3385092 tel:+57-318-3385092
+573183399167 +57 318 3399167 318 3399167 tel:+57-318-3399167
+573183403786 +57 318 3403786 318 3403786 tel:+57-318-3403786
+573183411582 +57 318 3411582 318 3411582 tel:+57-318-3411582
+573183412100 +57 318 3412100 318 3412100 tel:+57-318-3412100
+573183418442 +57 318 3418442 318 3418442 tel:+57-318-3418442
+573183438638 +57 318 3438638 318 3438638 tel:+57-318-3438638
+573183440793 +57 318 3440793 318 3440793 tel:+57-318-3440793
+573183440941 +57 318 3440941 318 3440941 tel:+57-318-3440941
+573183441277 +57 318 3441277 318 3441277 tel:+57-318-3441277
+573183441569 +57 318 3441569 318 3441569 tel:+57-318-3441569
+573183472939 +57 318 3472939 318 3472939 tel:+57-318-3472939
+573183473012 +57 318 3473012 318 3473012 tel:+57-318-3473012
+573183473289 +57 318 3473289 318 3473289 tel:+57-318-3473289
+573183475470 +57 318 3475470 318 3475470 tel:+57-318-3475470
+573183476956 +57 318 3476956 318 3476956 tel:+57-318-3476956
+573183485203 +57 318 3485203 318 3485203 tel:+57-318-3485203
+573183489899 +57 318 3489899 318 3489899 tel:+57-318-3489899
+573183497491 +57 318 3497491 318 3497491 tel:+57-318-3497491
+573183498021 +57 318 3498021 318 3498021 tel:+57-318-3498021
+573183498832 +57 318 3498832 318 3498832 tel:+57-318-3498832
+573183499235 +57 318 3499235 318 3499235 tel:+57-318-3499235
+573183499491 +57 318 3499491 318 3499491 tel:+57-318-3499491
+573183500706 +57 318 3500706 318 3500706 tel:+57-318-3500706
+573183501259 +57 318 3501259 318 3501259 tel:+57-318-3501259
+573183507915 +57 318 3507915 318 3507915 tel:+57-318-3507915
+573183509586 +57 318 3509586 318 3509586 tel:+57-318-3509586
+573183512837 +57 318 3512837 318 3512837 tel:+57-318-3512837
+573183515989 +57 318 3515989 318 3515989 tel:+57-318-3515989
+573183516957 +57 318 3516957 318 3516957 tel:+57-318-3516957
+573183517638 +57 318 3517638 318 3517638 tel:+57-318-3517638
+573183518133 +57 318 3518133 318 3518133 tel:+57-318-3518133
+573183518138 +57 318 3518138 318 3518138 tel:+57-318-3518138
+573183519704 +57 318 3519704 318 3519704 tel:+57-318-3519704
+573183519769 +57 318 3519769 318 3519769 tel:+57-318-3519769
+573183519848 +57 318 3519848 318 3519848 tel:+57-318-3519848
+573183529162 +57 318 3529162 318 3529162 tel:+57-318-3529162
+573183530244 +57 318 3530244 318 3530244 tel:+57-318-3530244
+573183539701 +57 318 3539701 318 3539701 tel:+57-318-3539701
+573183539943 +57 318 3539943 318 3539943 tel:+57-318-3539943
+573183542168 +57 318 3542168 318 3542168 tel:+57-318-3542168
+573183544780 +57 318 3544780 318 3544780 tel:+57-318-3544780
+573183585517 +57 318 3585517 318 3585517 tel:+57-318-3585517
+573183588603 +57 318 3588603 318 3588603 tel:+57-318-3588603
+573183592693 +57 318 3592693 318 3592693 tel:+57-318-3592693