Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 05:01
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 05:01.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573042444162 +57 304 2444162 304 2444162 tel:+57-304-2444162
+573042444746 +57 304 2444746 304 2444746 tel:+57-304-2444746
+573042445758 +57 304 2445758 304 2445758 tel:+57-304-2445758
+573042445787 +57 304 2445787 304 2445787 tel:+57-304-2445787
+573042445946 +57 304 2445946 304 2445946 tel:+57-304-2445946
+573042447526 +57 304 2447526 304 2447526 tel:+57-304-2447526
+573042447584 +57 304 2447584 304 2447584 tel:+57-304-2447584
+573042447715 +57 304 2447715 304 2447715 tel:+57-304-2447715
+573042448609 +57 304 2448609 304 2448609 tel:+57-304-2448609
+573042448727 +57 304 2448727 304 2448727 tel:+57-304-2448727
+573042449342 +57 304 2449342 304 2449342 tel:+57-304-2449342
+573042450430 +57 304 2450430 304 2450430 tel:+57-304-2450430
+573042450548 +57 304 2450548 304 2450548 tel:+57-304-2450548
+573042451199 +57 304 2451199 304 2451199 tel:+57-304-2451199
+573042451232 +57 304 2451232 304 2451232 tel:+57-304-2451232
+573042452365 +57 304 2452365 304 2452365 tel:+57-304-2452365
+573042452469 +57 304 2452469 304 2452469 tel:+57-304-2452469
+573042453115 +57 304 2453115 304 2453115 tel:+57-304-2453115
+573042454267 +57 304 2454267 304 2454267 tel:+57-304-2454267
+573042454318 +57 304 2454318 304 2454318 tel:+57-304-2454318
+573042454422 +57 304 2454422 304 2454422 tel:+57-304-2454422
+573042455393 +57 304 2455393 304 2455393 tel:+57-304-2455393
+573042456129 +57 304 2456129 304 2456129 tel:+57-304-2456129
+573042456180 +57 304 2456180 304 2456180 tel:+57-304-2456180
+573042457186 +57 304 2457186 304 2457186 tel:+57-304-2457186
+573042457289 +57 304 2457289 304 2457289 tel:+57-304-2457289
+573042458079 +57 304 2458079 304 2458079 tel:+57-304-2458079
+573042459077 +57 304 2459077 304 2459077 tel:+57-304-2459077
+573042459157 +57 304 2459157 304 2459157 tel:+57-304-2459157
+573042460887 +57 304 2460887 304 2460887 tel:+57-304-2460887
+573042492861 +57 304 2492861 304 2492861 tel:+57-304-2492861
+573042497884 +57 304 2497884 304 2497884 tel:+57-304-2497884
+573042994953 +57 304 2994953 304 2994953 tel:+57-304-2994953
+573043079778 +57 304 3079778 304 3079778 tel:+57-304-3079778
+573043255389 +57 304 3255389 304 3255389 tel:+57-304-3255389
+573043383612 +57 304 3383612 304 3383612 tel:+57-304-3383612
+573043426396 +57 304 3426396 304 3426396 tel:+57-304-3426396
+573043667927 +57 304 3667927 304 3667927 tel:+57-304-3667927
+573043667929 +57 304 3667929 304 3667929 tel:+57-304-3667929
+573043669243 +57 304 3669243 304 3669243 tel:+57-304-3669243
+573043669253 +57 304 3669253 304 3669253 tel:+57-304-3669253
+573043669254 +57 304 3669254 304 3669254 tel:+57-304-3669254
+573043693392 +57 304 3693392 304 3693392 tel:+57-304-3693392
+573043755394 +57 304 3755394 304 3755394 tel:+57-304-3755394
+573043777416 +57 304 3777416 304 3777416 tel:+57-304-3777416
+573043800080 +57 304 3800080 304 3800080 tel:+57-304-3800080
+573043841423 +57 304 3841423 304 3841423 tel:+57-304-3841423
+573043841615 +57 304 3841615 304 3841615 tel:+57-304-3841615
+573043843346 +57 304 3843346 304 3843346 tel:+57-304-3843346
+573043843570 +57 304 3843570 304 3843570 tel:+57-304-3843570