Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 02:44
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 02:44.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393276733109 +39 327 673 3109 327 673 3109 tel:+39-327-673-3109
+393276748864 +39 327 674 8864 327 674 8864 tel:+39-327-674-8864
+393276765859 +39 327 676 5859 327 676 5859 tel:+39-327-676-5859
+393276812045 +39 327 681 2045 327 681 2045 tel:+39-327-681-2045
+393276834918 +39 327 683 4918 327 683 4918 tel:+39-327-683-4918
+393276852704 +39 327 685 2704 327 685 2704 tel:+39-327-685-2704
+393276892979 +39 327 689 2979 327 689 2979 tel:+39-327-689-2979
+393276911018 +39 327 691 1018 327 691 1018 tel:+39-327-691-1018
+393276935547 +39 327 693 5547 327 693 5547 tel:+39-327-693-5547
+393277156450 +39 327 715 6450 327 715 6450 tel:+39-327-715-6450
+393277198541 +39 327 719 8541 327 719 8541 tel:+39-327-719-8541
+393277346811 +39 327 734 6811 327 734 6811 tel:+39-327-734-6811
+393277417267 +39 327 741 7267 327 741 7267 tel:+39-327-741-7267
+393277423554 +39 327 742 3554 327 742 3554 tel:+39-327-742-3554
+393277496671 +39 327 749 6671 327 749 6671 tel:+39-327-749-6671
+393277540408 +39 327 754 0408 327 754 0408 tel:+39-327-754-0408
+393277553954 +39 327 755 3954 327 755 3954 tel:+39-327-755-3954
+393277685774 +39 327 768 5774 327 768 5774 tel:+39-327-768-5774
+393277685775 +39 327 768 5775 327 768 5775 tel:+39-327-768-5775
+393277685776 +39 327 768 5776 327 768 5776 tel:+39-327-768-5776
+393277685840 +39 327 768 5840 327 768 5840 tel:+39-327-768-5840
+393277685841 +39 327 768 5841 327 768 5841 tel:+39-327-768-5841
+393277685842 +39 327 768 5842 327 768 5842 tel:+39-327-768-5842
+393277702653 +39 327 770 2653 327 770 2653 tel:+39-327-770-2653
+393277729484 +39 327 772 9484 327 772 9484 tel:+39-327-772-9484
+393277746544 +39 327 774 6544 327 774 6544 tel:+39-327-774-6544
+393277797667 +39 327 779 7667 327 779 7667 tel:+39-327-779-7667
+393277802313 +39 327 780 2313 327 780 2313 tel:+39-327-780-2313
+393277820368 +39 327 782 0368 327 782 0368 tel:+39-327-782-0368
+393277852448 +39 327 785 2448 327 785 2448 tel:+39-327-785-2448
+393277861494 +39 327 786 1494 327 786 1494 tel:+39-327-786-1494
+393277865000 +39 327 786 5000 327 786 5000 tel:+39-327-786-5000
+393277893704 +39 327 789 3704 327 789 3704 tel:+39-327-789-3704
+393277894357 +39 327 789 4357 327 789 4357 tel:+39-327-789-4357
+393277926428 +39 327 792 6428 327 792 6428 tel:+39-327-792-6428
+393277952543 +39 327 795 2543 327 795 2543 tel:+39-327-795-2543
+393278218406 +39 327 821 8406 327 821 8406 tel:+39-327-821-8406
+393278310839 +39 327 831 0839 327 831 0839 tel:+39-327-831-0839
+393278352623 +39 327 835 2623 327 835 2623 tel:+39-327-835-2623
+393278486632 +39 327 848 6632 327 848 6632 tel:+39-327-848-6632
+393278527733 +39 327 852 7733 327 852 7733 tel:+39-327-852-7733
+393278620398 +39 327 862 0398 327 862 0398 tel:+39-327-862-0398
+393278632912 +39 327 863 2912 327 863 2912 tel:+39-327-863-2912
+393278650103 +39 327 865 0103 327 865 0103 tel:+39-327-865-0103
+393278741200 +39 327 874 1200 327 874 1200 tel:+39-327-874-1200
+393278766877 +39 327 876 6877 327 876 6877 tel:+39-327-876-6877
+393278775413 +39 327 877 5413 327 877 5413 tel:+39-327-877-5413
+393278929044 +39 327 892 9044 327 892 9044 tel:+39-327-892-9044
+393278961875 +39 327 896 1875 327 896 1875 tel:+39-327-896-1875
+393278967100 +39 327 896 7100 327 896 7100 tel:+39-327-896-7100