Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 01:09
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 01:09.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393274175616 +39 327 417 5616 327 417 5616 tel:+39-327-417-5616
+393274221242 +39 327 422 1242 327 422 1242 tel:+39-327-422-1242
+393274221280 +39 327 422 1280 327 422 1280 tel:+39-327-422-1280
+393274221392 +39 327 422 1392 327 422 1392 tel:+39-327-422-1392
+393274221396 +39 327 422 1396 327 422 1396 tel:+39-327-422-1396
+393274240170 +39 327 424 0170 327 424 0170 tel:+39-327-424-0170
+393274240175 +39 327 424 0175 327 424 0175 tel:+39-327-424-0175
+393274255986 +39 327 425 5986 327 425 5986 tel:+39-327-425-5986
+393274256475 +39 327 425 6475 327 425 6475 tel:+39-327-425-6475
+393274256486 +39 327 425 6486 327 425 6486 tel:+39-327-425-6486
+393274279681 +39 327 427 9681 327 427 9681 tel:+39-327-427-9681
+393274308111 +39 327 430 8111 327 430 8111 tel:+39-327-430-8111
+393274318157 +39 327 431 8157 327 431 8157 tel:+39-327-431-8157
+393274437531 +39 327 443 7531 327 443 7531 tel:+39-327-443-7531
+393274550592 +39 327 455 0592 327 455 0592 tel:+39-327-455-0592
+393274574512 +39 327 457 4512 327 457 4512 tel:+39-327-457-4512
+393274628706 +39 327 462 8706 327 462 8706 tel:+39-327-462-8706
+393274672993 +39 327 467 2993 327 467 2993 tel:+39-327-467-2993
+393274684927 +39 327 468 4927 327 468 4927 tel:+39-327-468-4927
+393274726580 +39 327 472 6580 327 472 6580 tel:+39-327-472-6580
+393274743335 +39 327 474 3335 327 474 3335 tel:+39-327-474-3335
+393274744654 +39 327 474 4654 327 474 4654 tel:+39-327-474-4654
+393275313397 +39 327 531 3397 327 531 3397 tel:+39-327-531-3397
+393275369640 +39 327 536 9640 327 536 9640 tel:+39-327-536-9640
+393275423310 +39 327 542 3310 327 542 3310 tel:+39-327-542-3310
+393275448855 +39 327 544 8855 327 544 8855 tel:+39-327-544-8855
+393275478355 +39 327 547 8355 327 547 8355 tel:+39-327-547-8355
+393275552419 +39 327 555 2419 327 555 2419 tel:+39-327-555-2419
+393275612775 +39 327 561 2775 327 561 2775 tel:+39-327-561-2775
+393275630283 +39 327 563 0283 327 563 0283 tel:+39-327-563-0283
+393275769597 +39 327 576 9597 327 576 9597 tel:+39-327-576-9597
+393275774815 +39 327 577 4815 327 577 4815 tel:+39-327-577-4815
+393275810960 +39 327 581 0960 327 581 0960 tel:+39-327-581-0960
+393275968301 +39 327 596 8301 327 596 8301 tel:+39-327-596-8301
+393275971388 +39 327 597 1388 327 597 1388 tel:+39-327-597-1388
+393275984570 +39 327 598 4570 327 598 4570 tel:+39-327-598-4570
+393275994689 +39 327 599 4689 327 599 4689 tel:+39-327-599-4689
+393275995433 +39 327 599 5433 327 599 5433 tel:+39-327-599-5433
+393276165284 +39 327 616 5284 327 616 5284 tel:+39-327-616-5284
+393276166440 +39 327 616 6440 327 616 6440 tel:+39-327-616-6440
+393276225310 +39 327 622 5310 327 622 5310 tel:+39-327-622-5310
+393276256881 +39 327 625 6881 327 625 6881 tel:+39-327-625-6881
+393276326534 +39 327 632 6534 327 632 6534 tel:+39-327-632-6534
+393276538990 +39 327 653 8990 327 653 8990 tel:+39-327-653-8990
+393276558808 +39 327 655 8808 327 655 8808 tel:+39-327-655-8808
+393276595448 +39 327 659 5448 327 659 5448 tel:+39-327-659-5448
+393276631766 +39 327 663 1766 327 663 1766 tel:+39-327-663-1766
+393276685143 +39 327 668 5143 327 668 5143 tel:+39-327-668-5143
+393276686962 +39 327 668 6962 327 668 6962 tel:+39-327-668-6962
+393276693190 +39 327 669 3190 327 669 3190 tel:+39-327-669-3190