Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 19:23
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 19:23.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393928795273 +39 392 879 5273 392 879 5273 tel:+39-392-879-5273
+393928797377 +39 392 879 7377 392 879 7377 tel:+39-392-879-7377
+393928811623 +39 392 881 1623 392 881 1623 tel:+39-392-881-1623
+393928819425 +39 392 881 9425 392 881 9425 tel:+39-392-881-9425
+393928872017 +39 392 887 2017 392 887 2017 tel:+39-392-887-2017
+393928970748 +39 392 897 0748 392 897 0748 tel:+39-392-897-0748
+393929008120 +39 392 900 8120 392 900 8120 tel:+39-392-900-8120
+393929013772 +39 392 901 3772 392 901 3772 tel:+39-392-901-3772
+393929019488 +39 392 901 9488 392 901 9488 tel:+39-392-901-9488
+393929022433 +39 392 902 2433 392 902 2433 tel:+39-392-902-2433
+393929047173 +39 392 904 7173 392 904 7173 tel:+39-392-904-7173
+393929047268 +39 392 904 7268 392 904 7268 tel:+39-392-904-7268
+393929049642 +39 392 904 9642 392 904 9642 tel:+39-392-904-9642
+393929050071 +39 392 905 0071 392 905 0071 tel:+39-392-905-0071
+393929052243 +39 392 905 2243 392 905 2243 tel:+39-392-905-2243
+393929055668 +39 392 905 5668 392 905 5668 tel:+39-392-905-5668
+393929055861 +39 392 905 5861 392 905 5861 tel:+39-392-905-5861
+393929055950 +39 392 905 5950 392 905 5950 tel:+39-392-905-5950
+393929056197 +39 392 905 6197 392 905 6197 tel:+39-392-905-6197
+393929056267 +39 392 905 6267 392 905 6267 tel:+39-392-905-6267
+393929057363 +39 392 905 7363 392 905 7363 tel:+39-392-905-7363
+393929060405 +39 392 906 0405 392 906 0405 tel:+39-392-906-0405
+393929061354 +39 392 906 1354 392 906 1354 tel:+39-392-906-1354
+393929061357 +39 392 906 1357 392 906 1357 tel:+39-392-906-1357
+393929063142 +39 392 906 3142 392 906 3142 tel:+39-392-906-3142
+393929087888 +39 392 908 7888 392 908 7888 tel:+39-392-908-7888
+393929088572 +39 392 908 8572 392 908 8572 tel:+39-392-908-8572
+393929091472 +39 392 909 1472 392 909 1472 tel:+39-392-909-1472
+393929093364 +39 392 909 3364 392 909 3364 tel:+39-392-909-3364
+393929099447 +39 392 909 9447 392 909 9447 tel:+39-392-909-9447
+393929100818 +39 392 910 0818 392 910 0818 tel:+39-392-910-0818
+393929110392 +39 392 911 0392 392 911 0392 tel:+39-392-911-0392
+393929110530 +39 392 911 0530 392 911 0530 tel:+39-392-911-0530
+393929111529 +39 392 911 1529 392 911 1529 tel:+39-392-911-1529
+393929120922 +39 392 912 0922 392 912 0922 tel:+39-392-912-0922
+393929123188 +39 392 912 3188 392 912 3188 tel:+39-392-912-3188
+393929124131 +39 392 912 4131 392 912 4131 tel:+39-392-912-4131
+393929126462 +39 392 912 6462 392 912 6462 tel:+39-392-912-6462
+393929126465 +39 392 912 6465 392 912 6465 tel:+39-392-912-6465
+393929126991 +39 392 912 6991 392 912 6991 tel:+39-392-912-6991
+393929128343 +39 392 912 8343 392 912 8343 tel:+39-392-912-8343
+393929128660 +39 392 912 8660 392 912 8660 tel:+39-392-912-8660
+393929129155 +39 392 912 9155 392 912 9155 tel:+39-392-912-9155
+393929138204 +39 392 913 8204 392 913 8204 tel:+39-392-913-8204
+393929161647 +39 392 916 1647 392 916 1647 tel:+39-392-916-1647
+393929161693 +39 392 916 1693 392 916 1693 tel:+39-392-916-1693
+393929162097 +39 392 916 2097 392 916 2097 tel:+39-392-916-2097
+393929162476 +39 392 916 2476 392 916 2476 tel:+39-392-916-2476
+393929167376 +39 392 916 7376 392 916 7376 tel:+39-392-916-7376
+393929171438 +39 392 917 1438 392 917 1438 tel:+39-392-917-1438