Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 17:12
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 17:12.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393929172608 +39 392 917 2608 392 917 2608 tel:+39-392-917-2608
+393929182656 +39 392 918 2656 392 918 2656 tel:+39-392-918-2656
+393929182660 +39 392 918 2660 392 918 2660 tel:+39-392-918-2660
+393929201348 +39 392 920 1348 392 920 1348 tel:+39-392-920-1348
+393929203592 +39 392 920 3592 392 920 3592 tel:+39-392-920-3592
+393929203674 +39 392 920 3674 392 920 3674 tel:+39-392-920-3674
+393929205056 +39 392 920 5056 392 920 5056 tel:+39-392-920-5056
+393929209484 +39 392 920 9484 392 920 9484 tel:+39-392-920-9484
+393929210608 +39 392 921 0608 392 921 0608 tel:+39-392-921-0608
+393929211253 +39 392 921 1253 392 921 1253 tel:+39-392-921-1253
+393929213816 +39 392 921 3816 392 921 3816 tel:+39-392-921-3816
+393929220499 +39 392 922 0499 392 922 0499 tel:+39-392-922-0499
+393929239560 +39 392 923 9560 392 923 9560 tel:+39-392-923-9560
+393929244124 +39 392 924 4124 392 924 4124 tel:+39-392-924-4124
+393929249026 +39 392 924 9026 392 924 9026 tel:+39-392-924-9026
+393929249036 +39 392 924 9036 392 924 9036 tel:+39-392-924-9036
+393929265998 +39 392 926 5998 392 926 5998 tel:+39-392-926-5998
+393929271423 +39 392 927 1423 392 927 1423 tel:+39-392-927-1423
+393929276179 +39 392 927 6179 392 927 6179 tel:+39-392-927-6179
+393929276947 +39 392 927 6947 392 927 6947 tel:+39-392-927-6947
+393929278169 +39 392 927 8169 392 927 8169 tel:+39-392-927-8169
+393929283067 +39 392 928 3067 392 928 3067 tel:+39-392-928-3067
+393929285921 +39 392 928 5921 392 928 5921 tel:+39-392-928-5921
+393929285922 +39 392 928 5922 392 928 5922 tel:+39-392-928-5922
+393929285924 +39 392 928 5924 392 928 5924 tel:+39-392-928-5924
+393929287286 +39 392 928 7286 392 928 7286 tel:+39-392-928-7286
+393929291079 +39 392 929 1079 392 929 1079 tel:+39-392-929-1079
+393929291272 +39 392 929 1272 392 929 1272 tel:+39-392-929-1272
+393929308412 +39 392 930 8412 392 930 8412 tel:+39-392-930-8412
+393929311448 +39 392 931 1448 392 931 1448 tel:+39-392-931-1448
+393929311755 +39 392 931 1755 392 931 1755 tel:+39-392-931-1755
+393929312067 +39 392 931 2067 392 931 2067 tel:+39-392-931-2067
+393929313288 +39 392 931 3288 392 931 3288 tel:+39-392-931-3288
+393929315412 +39 392 931 5412 392 931 5412 tel:+39-392-931-5412
+393929321060 +39 392 932 1060 392 932 1060 tel:+39-392-932-1060
+393929322459 +39 392 932 2459 392 932 2459 tel:+39-392-932-2459
+393929325304 +39 392 932 5304 392 932 5304 tel:+39-392-932-5304
+393929329654 +39 392 932 9654 392 932 9654 tel:+39-392-932-9654
+393929329727 +39 392 932 9727 392 932 9727 tel:+39-392-932-9727
+393929329887 +39 392 932 9887 392 932 9887 tel:+39-392-932-9887
+393929348976 +39 392 934 8976 392 934 8976 tel:+39-392-934-8976
+393929352306 +39 392 935 2306 392 935 2306 tel:+39-392-935-2306
+393929357056 +39 392 935 7056 392 935 7056 tel:+39-392-935-7056
+393929359063 +39 392 935 9063 392 935 9063 tel:+39-392-935-9063
+393929359073 +39 392 935 9073 392 935 9073 tel:+39-392-935-9073
+393929359229 +39 392 935 9229 392 935 9229 tel:+39-392-935-9229
+393929359327 +39 392 935 9327 392 935 9327 tel:+39-392-935-9327
+393929362225 +39 392 936 2225 392 936 2225 tel:+39-392-936-2225
+393929365409 +39 392 936 5409 392 936 5409 tel:+39-392-936-5409
+393929366663 +39 392 936 6663 392 936 6663 tel:+39-392-936-6663