Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 07:39
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 07:39.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393929818644 +39 392 981 8644 392 981 8644 tel:+39-392-981-8644
+393929819845 +39 392 981 9845 392 981 9845 tel:+39-392-981-9845
+393929819860 +39 392 981 9860 392 981 9860 tel:+39-392-981-9860
+393929821109 +39 392 982 1109 392 982 1109 tel:+39-392-982-1109
+393929821117 +39 392 982 1117 392 982 1117 tel:+39-392-982-1117
+393929847662 +39 392 984 7662 392 984 7662 tel:+39-392-984-7662
+393929848549 +39 392 984 8549 392 984 8549 tel:+39-392-984-8549
+393929848757 +39 392 984 8757 392 984 8757 tel:+39-392-984-8757
+393929850498 +39 392 985 0498 392 985 0498 tel:+39-392-985-0498
+393929850691 +39 392 985 0691 392 985 0691 tel:+39-392-985-0691
+393929850779 +39 392 985 0779 392 985 0779 tel:+39-392-985-0779
+393929850782 +39 392 985 0782 392 985 0782 tel:+39-392-985-0782
+393929850938 +39 392 985 0938 392 985 0938 tel:+39-392-985-0938
+393929851386 +39 392 985 1386 392 985 1386 tel:+39-392-985-1386
+393929851573 +39 392 985 1573 392 985 1573 tel:+39-392-985-1573
+393929851763 +39 392 985 1763 392 985 1763 tel:+39-392-985-1763
+393929851859 +39 392 985 1859 392 985 1859 tel:+39-392-985-1859
+393929857557 +39 392 985 7557 392 985 7557 tel:+39-392-985-7557
+393929858283 +39 392 985 8283 392 985 8283 tel:+39-392-985-8283
+393929859707 +39 392 985 9707 392 985 9707 tel:+39-392-985-9707
+393929860895 +39 392 986 0895 392 986 0895 tel:+39-392-986-0895
+393929861550 +39 392 986 1550 392 986 1550 tel:+39-392-986-1550
+393929863399 +39 392 986 3399 392 986 3399 tel:+39-392-986-3399
+393929885284 +39 392 988 5284 392 988 5284 tel:+39-392-988-5284
+393929894927 +39 392 989 4927 392 989 4927 tel:+39-392-989-4927
+393929897571 +39 392 989 7571 392 989 7571 tel:+39-392-989-7571
+393929899637 +39 392 989 9637 392 989 9637 tel:+39-392-989-9637
+393929916232 +39 392 991 6232 392 991 6232 tel:+39-392-991-6232
+393929920487 +39 392 992 0487 392 992 0487 tel:+39-392-992-0487
+393929921591 +39 392 992 1591 392 992 1591 tel:+39-392-992-1591
+393929932790 +39 392 993 2790 392 993 2790 tel:+39-392-993-2790
+393929959688 +39 392 995 9688 392 995 9688 tel:+39-392-995-9688
+393929966563 +39 392 996 6563 392 996 6563 tel:+39-392-996-6563
+393929967484 +39 392 996 7484 392 996 7484 tel:+39-392-996-7484
+393929970844 +39 392 997 0844 392 997 0844 tel:+39-392-997-0844
+393929970902 +39 392 997 0902 392 997 0902 tel:+39-392-997-0902
+393929971872 +39 392 997 1872 392 997 1872 tel:+39-392-997-1872
+393929973752 +39 392 997 3752 392 997 3752 tel:+39-392-997-3752
+393929977238 +39 392 997 7238 392 997 7238 tel:+39-392-997-7238
+393929979644 +39 392 997 9644 392 997 9644 tel:+39-392-997-9644
+393929979654 +39 392 997 9654 392 997 9654 tel:+39-392-997-9654
+393929995548 +39 392 999 5548 392 999 5548 tel:+39-392-999-5548
+393929998915 +39 392 999 8915 392 999 8915 tel:+39-392-999-8915
+393929999518 +39 392 999 9518 392 999 9518 tel:+39-392-999-9518
+393930081842 +39 393 008 1842 393 008 1842 tel:+39-393-008-1842
+393930649477 +39 393 064 9477 393 064 9477 tel:+39-393-064-9477
+393931086512 +39 393 108 6512 393 108 6512 tel:+39-393-108-6512
+393931086900 +39 393 108 6900 393 108 6900 tel:+39-393-108-6900
+393931473608 +39 393 147 3608 393 147 3608 tel:+39-393-147-3608
+393931516485 +39 393 151 6485 393 151 6485 tel:+39-393-151-6485