Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 02:07
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 02:07.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393931752234 +39 393 175 2234 393 175 2234 tel:+39-393-175-2234
+393931767276 +39 393 176 7276 393 176 7276 tel:+39-393-176-7276
+393931767825 +39 393 176 7825 393 176 7825 tel:+39-393-176-7825
+393931945574 +39 393 194 5574 393 194 5574 tel:+39-393-194-5574
+393932096370 +39 393 209 6370 393 209 6370 tel:+39-393-209-6370
+393932118775 +39 393 211 8775 393 211 8775 tel:+39-393-211-8775
+393932286103 +39 393 228 6103 393 228 6103 tel:+39-393-228-6103
+393932314589 +39 393 231 4589 393 231 4589 tel:+39-393-231-4589
+393932508254 +39 393 250 8254 393 250 8254 tel:+39-393-250-8254
+393932508255 +39 393 250 8255 393 250 8255 tel:+39-393-250-8255
+393932508257 +39 393 250 8257 393 250 8257 tel:+39-393-250-8257
+393932508258 +39 393 250 8258 393 250 8258 tel:+39-393-250-8258
+393932670327 +39 393 267 0327 393 267 0327 tel:+39-393-267-0327
+393932804073 +39 393 280 4073 393 280 4073 tel:+39-393-280-4073
+393932805668 +39 393 280 5668 393 280 5668 tel:+39-393-280-5668
+393932823248 +39 393 282 3248 393 282 3248 tel:+39-393-282-3248
+393932823249 +39 393 282 3249 393 282 3249 tel:+39-393-282-3249
+393932869800 +39 393 286 9800 393 286 9800 tel:+39-393-286-9800
+393932880582 +39 393 288 0582 393 288 0582 tel:+39-393-288-0582
+393933084899 +39 393 308 4899 393 308 4899 tel:+39-393-308-4899
+393933100100 +39 393 310 0100 393 310 0100 tel:+39-393-310-0100
+393933310680 +39 393 331 0680 393 331 0680 tel:+39-393-331-0680
+393933321193 +39 393 332 1193 393 332 1193 tel:+39-393-332-1193
+393933321368 +39 393 332 1368 393 332 1368 tel:+39-393-332-1368
+393933338735 +39 393 333 8735 393 333 8735 tel:+39-393-333-8735
+393933369803 +39 393 336 9803 393 336 9803 tel:+39-393-336-9803
+393933369805 +39 393 336 9805 393 336 9805 tel:+39-393-336-9805
+393933369806 +39 393 336 9806 393 336 9806 tel:+39-393-336-9806
+393933369807 +39 393 336 9807 393 336 9807 tel:+39-393-336-9807
+393933633363 +39 393 363 3363 393 363 3363 tel:+39-393-363-3363
+393933666366 +39 393 366 6366 393 366 6366 tel:+39-393-366-6366
+393933669366 +39 393 366 9366 393 366 9366 tel:+39-393-366-9366
+393933696696 +39 393 369 6696 393 369 6696 tel:+39-393-369-6696
+393933699369 +39 393 369 9369 393 369 9369 tel:+39-393-369-9369
+393933699699 +39 393 369 9699 393 369 9699 tel:+39-393-369-9699
+393933934077 +39 393 393 4077 393 393 4077 tel:+39-393-393-4077
+393933934133 +39 393 393 4133 393 393 4133 tel:+39-393-393-4133
+393933969969 +39 393 396 9969 393 396 9969 tel:+39-393-396-9969
+393933996996 +39 393 399 6996 393 399 6996 tel:+39-393-399-6996
+393934008633 +39 393 400 8633 393 400 8633 tel:+39-393-400-8633
+393934099631 +39 393 409 9631 393 409 9631 tel:+39-393-409-9631
+393934316562 +39 393 431 6562 393 431 6562 tel:+39-393-431-6562
+393934370701 +39 393 437 0701 393 437 0701 tel:+39-393-437-0701
+393934413773 +39 393 441 3773 393 441 3773 tel:+39-393-441-3773
+393934429962 +39 393 442 9962 393 442 9962 tel:+39-393-442-9962
+393934484249 +39 393 448 4249 393 448 4249 tel:+39-393-448-4249
+393934554710 +39 393 455 4710 393 455 4710 tel:+39-393-455-4710
+393934678405 +39 393 467 8405 393 467 8405 tel:+39-393-467-8405
+393934772857 +39 393 477 2857 393 477 2857 tel:+39-393-477-2857
+393934772891 +39 393 477 2891 393 477 2891 tel:+39-393-477-2891