Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 15:40
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 15:40.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393938170015 +39 393 817 0015 393 817 0015 tel:+39-393-817-0015
+393938179113 +39 393 817 9113 393 817 9113 tel:+39-393-817-9113
+393938185729 +39 393 818 5729 393 818 5729 tel:+39-393-818-5729
+393938189392 +39 393 818 9392 393 818 9392 tel:+39-393-818-9392
+393938190384 +39 393 819 0384 393 819 0384 tel:+39-393-819-0384
+393938198276 +39 393 819 8276 393 819 8276 tel:+39-393-819-8276
+393938201318 +39 393 820 1318 393 820 1318 tel:+39-393-820-1318
+393938201361 +39 393 820 1361 393 820 1361 tel:+39-393-820-1361
+393938217538 +39 393 821 7538 393 821 7538 tel:+39-393-821-7538
+393938223179 +39 393 822 3179 393 822 3179 tel:+39-393-822-3179
+393938223449 +39 393 822 3449 393 822 3449 tel:+39-393-822-3449
+393938223698 +39 393 822 3698 393 822 3698 tel:+39-393-822-3698
+393938223699 +39 393 822 3699 393 822 3699 tel:+39-393-822-3699
+393938223700 +39 393 822 3700 393 822 3700 tel:+39-393-822-3700
+393938223701 +39 393 822 3701 393 822 3701 tel:+39-393-822-3701
+393938224481 +39 393 822 4481 393 822 4481 tel:+39-393-822-4481
+393938225072 +39 393 822 5072 393 822 5072 tel:+39-393-822-5072
+393938225171 +39 393 822 5171 393 822 5171 tel:+39-393-822-5171
+393938228741 +39 393 822 8741 393 822 8741 tel:+39-393-822-8741
+393938228742 +39 393 822 8742 393 822 8742 tel:+39-393-822-8742
+393938228762 +39 393 822 8762 393 822 8762 tel:+39-393-822-8762
+393938228959 +39 393 822 8959 393 822 8959 tel:+39-393-822-8959
+393938231433 +39 393 823 1433 393 823 1433 tel:+39-393-823-1433
+393938235263 +39 393 823 5263 393 823 5263 tel:+39-393-823-5263
+393938243505 +39 393 824 3505 393 824 3505 tel:+39-393-824-3505
+393938251170 +39 393 825 1170 393 825 1170 tel:+39-393-825-1170
+393938261678 +39 393 826 1678 393 826 1678 tel:+39-393-826-1678
+393938261808 +39 393 826 1808 393 826 1808 tel:+39-393-826-1808
+393938261820 +39 393 826 1820 393 826 1820 tel:+39-393-826-1820
+393938267516 +39 393 826 7516 393 826 7516 tel:+39-393-826-7516
+393938268675 +39 393 826 8675 393 826 8675 tel:+39-393-826-8675
+393938272618 +39 393 827 2618 393 827 2618 tel:+39-393-827-2618
+393938274509 +39 393 827 4509 393 827 4509 tel:+39-393-827-4509
+393938283324 +39 393 828 3324 393 828 3324 tel:+39-393-828-3324
+393938283326 +39 393 828 3326 393 828 3326 tel:+39-393-828-3326
+393938283848 +39 393 828 3848 393 828 3848 tel:+39-393-828-3848
+393938288830 +39 393 828 8830 393 828 8830 tel:+39-393-828-8830
+393938289305 +39 393 828 9305 393 828 9305 tel:+39-393-828-9305
+393938289762 +39 393 828 9762 393 828 9762 tel:+39-393-828-9762
+393938293414 +39 393 829 3414 393 829 3414 tel:+39-393-829-3414
+393938301264 +39 393 830 1264 393 830 1264 tel:+39-393-830-1264
+393938301451 +39 393 830 1451 393 830 1451 tel:+39-393-830-1451
+393938303589 +39 393 830 3589 393 830 3589 tel:+39-393-830-3589
+393938309047 +39 393 830 9047 393 830 9047 tel:+39-393-830-9047
+393938309174 +39 393 830 9174 393 830 9174 tel:+39-393-830-9174
+393938311039 +39 393 831 1039 393 831 1039 tel:+39-393-831-1039
+393938336067 +39 393 833 6067 393 833 6067 tel:+39-393-833-6067
+393938336995 +39 393 833 6995 393 833 6995 tel:+39-393-833-6995
+393938338210 +39 393 833 8210 393 833 8210 tel:+39-393-833-8210
+393938338212 +39 393 833 8212 393 833 8212 tel:+39-393-833-8212