Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:31
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 03:31.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393938339359 +39 393 833 9359 393 833 9359 tel:+39-393-833-9359
+393938354364 +39 393 835 4364 393 835 4364 tel:+39-393-835-4364
+393938354396 +39 393 835 4396 393 835 4396 tel:+39-393-835-4396
+393938354416 +39 393 835 4416 393 835 4416 tel:+39-393-835-4416
+393938354484 +39 393 835 4484 393 835 4484 tel:+39-393-835-4484
+393938354515 +39 393 835 4515 393 835 4515 tel:+39-393-835-4515
+393938354535 +39 393 835 4535 393 835 4535 tel:+39-393-835-4535
+393938354677 +39 393 835 4677 393 835 4677 tel:+39-393-835-4677
+393938357792 +39 393 835 7792 393 835 7792 tel:+39-393-835-7792
+393938359622 +39 393 835 9622 393 835 9622 tel:+39-393-835-9622
+393938359623 +39 393 835 9623 393 835 9623 tel:+39-393-835-9623
+393938360976 +39 393 836 0976 393 836 0976 tel:+39-393-836-0976
+393938360978 +39 393 836 0978 393 836 0978 tel:+39-393-836-0978
+393938360990 +39 393 836 0990 393 836 0990 tel:+39-393-836-0990
+393938361871 +39 393 836 1871 393 836 1871 tel:+39-393-836-1871
+393938361876 +39 393 836 1876 393 836 1876 tel:+39-393-836-1876
+393938363458 +39 393 836 3458 393 836 3458 tel:+39-393-836-3458
+393938364547 +39 393 836 4547 393 836 4547 tel:+39-393-836-4547
+393938364548 +39 393 836 4548 393 836 4548 tel:+39-393-836-4548
+393938376958 +39 393 837 6958 393 837 6958 tel:+39-393-837-6958
+393938379278 +39 393 837 9278 393 837 9278 tel:+39-393-837-9278
+393938382779 +39 393 838 2779 393 838 2779 tel:+39-393-838-2779
+393938383116 +39 393 838 3116 393 838 3116 tel:+39-393-838-3116
+393938383904 +39 393 838 3904 393 838 3904 tel:+39-393-838-3904
+393938384061 +39 393 838 4061 393 838 4061 tel:+39-393-838-4061
+393938384140 +39 393 838 4140 393 838 4140 tel:+39-393-838-4140
+393938385471 +39 393 838 5471 393 838 5471 tel:+39-393-838-5471
+393938386699 +39 393 838 6699 393 838 6699 tel:+39-393-838-6699
+393938394849 +39 393 839 4849 393 839 4849 tel:+39-393-839-4849
+393938399079 +39 393 839 9079 393 839 9079 tel:+39-393-839-9079
+393938402473 +39 393 840 2473 393 840 2473 tel:+39-393-840-2473
+393938402539 +39 393 840 2539 393 840 2539 tel:+39-393-840-2539
+393938405972 +39 393 840 5972 393 840 5972 tel:+39-393-840-5972
+393938405973 +39 393 840 5973 393 840 5973 tel:+39-393-840-5973
+393938405975 +39 393 840 5975 393 840 5975 tel:+39-393-840-5975
+393938405986 +39 393 840 5986 393 840 5986 tel:+39-393-840-5986
+393938405997 +39 393 840 5997 393 840 5997 tel:+39-393-840-5997
+393938412964 +39 393 841 2964 393 841 2964 tel:+39-393-841-2964
+393938412972 +39 393 841 2972 393 841 2972 tel:+39-393-841-2972
+393938417144 +39 393 841 7144 393 841 7144 tel:+39-393-841-7144
+393938417163 +39 393 841 7163 393 841 7163 tel:+39-393-841-7163
+393938417188 +39 393 841 7188 393 841 7188 tel:+39-393-841-7188
+393938417208 +39 393 841 7208 393 841 7208 tel:+39-393-841-7208
+393938421466 +39 393 842 1466 393 842 1466 tel:+39-393-842-1466
+393938431349 +39 393 843 1349 393 843 1349 tel:+39-393-843-1349
+393938456330 +39 393 845 6330 393 845 6330 tel:+39-393-845-6330
+393938473147 +39 393 847 3147 393 847 3147 tel:+39-393-847-3147
+393938473974 +39 393 847 3974 393 847 3974 tel:+39-393-847-3974
+393938499226 +39 393 849 9226 393 849 9226 tel:+39-393-849-9226
+393938500311 +39 393 850 0311 393 850 0311 tel:+39-393-850-0311