Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 04:14
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 04:14.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393938748414 +39 393 874 8414 393 874 8414 tel:+39-393-874-8414
+393938748415 +39 393 874 8415 393 874 8415 tel:+39-393-874-8415
+393938748421 +39 393 874 8421 393 874 8421 tel:+39-393-874-8421
+393938749941 +39 393 874 9941 393 874 9941 tel:+39-393-874-9941
+393938749947 +39 393 874 9947 393 874 9947 tel:+39-393-874-9947
+393938749948 +39 393 874 9948 393 874 9948 tel:+39-393-874-9948
+393938759176 +39 393 875 9176 393 875 9176 tel:+39-393-875-9176
+393938759245 +39 393 875 9245 393 875 9245 tel:+39-393-875-9245
+393938759337 +39 393 875 9337 393 875 9337 tel:+39-393-875-9337
+393938767790 +39 393 876 7790 393 876 7790 tel:+39-393-876-7790
+393938767792 +39 393 876 7792 393 876 7792 tel:+39-393-876-7792
+393938767793 +39 393 876 7793 393 876 7793 tel:+39-393-876-7793
+393938769790 +39 393 876 9790 393 876 9790 tel:+39-393-876-9790
+393938772220 +39 393 877 2220 393 877 2220 tel:+39-393-877-2220
+393938775043 +39 393 877 5043 393 877 5043 tel:+39-393-877-5043
+393938791328 +39 393 879 1328 393 879 1328 tel:+39-393-879-1328
+393938791356 +39 393 879 1356 393 879 1356 tel:+39-393-879-1356
+393938791359 +39 393 879 1359 393 879 1359 tel:+39-393-879-1359
+393938803925 +39 393 880 3925 393 880 3925 tel:+39-393-880-3925
+393938812118 +39 393 881 2118 393 881 2118 tel:+39-393-881-2118
+393938824165 +39 393 882 4165 393 882 4165 tel:+39-393-882-4165
+393938827901 +39 393 882 7901 393 882 7901 tel:+39-393-882-7901
+393938829093 +39 393 882 9093 393 882 9093 tel:+39-393-882-9093
+393938829344 +39 393 882 9344 393 882 9344 tel:+39-393-882-9344
+393938829345 +39 393 882 9345 393 882 9345 tel:+39-393-882-9345
+393938829449 +39 393 882 9449 393 882 9449 tel:+39-393-882-9449
+393938829604 +39 393 882 9604 393 882 9604 tel:+39-393-882-9604
+393938830053 +39 393 883 0053 393 883 0053 tel:+39-393-883-0053
+393938830717 +39 393 883 0717 393 883 0717 tel:+39-393-883-0717
+393938832076 +39 393 883 2076 393 883 2076 tel:+39-393-883-2076
+393938832972 +39 393 883 2972 393 883 2972 tel:+39-393-883-2972
+393938834107 +39 393 883 4107 393 883 4107 tel:+39-393-883-4107
+393938834181 +39 393 883 4181 393 883 4181 tel:+39-393-883-4181
+393938834610 +39 393 883 4610 393 883 4610 tel:+39-393-883-4610
+393938834805 +39 393 883 4805 393 883 4805 tel:+39-393-883-4805
+393938835685 +39 393 883 5685 393 883 5685 tel:+39-393-883-5685
+393938835686 +39 393 883 5686 393 883 5686 tel:+39-393-883-5686
+393938835962 +39 393 883 5962 393 883 5962 tel:+39-393-883-5962
+393938844638 +39 393 884 4638 393 884 4638 tel:+39-393-884-4638
+393938853583 +39 393 885 3583 393 885 3583 tel:+39-393-885-3583
+393938854327 +39 393 885 4327 393 885 4327 tel:+39-393-885-4327
+393938854833 +39 393 885 4833 393 885 4833 tel:+39-393-885-4833
+393938855286 +39 393 885 5286 393 885 5286 tel:+39-393-885-5286
+393938855430 +39 393 885 5430 393 885 5430 tel:+39-393-885-5430
+393938856093 +39 393 885 6093 393 885 6093 tel:+39-393-885-6093
+393938856095 +39 393 885 6095 393 885 6095 tel:+39-393-885-6095
+393938856238 +39 393 885 6238 393 885 6238 tel:+39-393-885-6238
+393938856241 +39 393 885 6241 393 885 6241 tel:+39-393-885-6241
+393938856247 +39 393 885 6247 393 885 6247 tel:+39-393-885-6247
+393938856249 +39 393 885 6249 393 885 6249 tel:+39-393-885-6249