Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 20:30
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 20:30.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393938587177 +39 393 858 7177 393 858 7177 tel:+39-393-858-7177
+393938587180 +39 393 858 7180 393 858 7180 tel:+39-393-858-7180
+393938587251 +39 393 858 7251 393 858 7251 tel:+39-393-858-7251
+393938587252 +39 393 858 7252 393 858 7252 tel:+39-393-858-7252
+393938590269 +39 393 859 0269 393 859 0269 tel:+39-393-859-0269
+393938592023 +39 393 859 2023 393 859 2023 tel:+39-393-859-2023
+393938592342 +39 393 859 2342 393 859 2342 tel:+39-393-859-2342
+393938592471 +39 393 859 2471 393 859 2471 tel:+39-393-859-2471
+393938593910 +39 393 859 3910 393 859 3910 tel:+39-393-859-3910
+393938601404 +39 393 860 1404 393 860 1404 tel:+39-393-860-1404
+393938604558 +39 393 860 4558 393 860 4558 tel:+39-393-860-4558
+393938607934 +39 393 860 7934 393 860 7934 tel:+39-393-860-7934
+393938618603 +39 393 861 8603 393 861 8603 tel:+39-393-861-8603
+393938622107 +39 393 862 2107 393 862 2107 tel:+39-393-862-2107
+393938622108 +39 393 862 2108 393 862 2108 tel:+39-393-862-2108
+393938622139 +39 393 862 2139 393 862 2139 tel:+39-393-862-2139
+393938622192 +39 393 862 2192 393 862 2192 tel:+39-393-862-2192
+393938622408 +39 393 862 2408 393 862 2408 tel:+39-393-862-2408
+393938623007 +39 393 862 3007 393 862 3007 tel:+39-393-862-3007
+393938623163 +39 393 862 3163 393 862 3163 tel:+39-393-862-3163
+393938623240 +39 393 862 3240 393 862 3240 tel:+39-393-862-3240
+393938623640 +39 393 862 3640 393 862 3640 tel:+39-393-862-3640
+393938623654 +39 393 862 3654 393 862 3654 tel:+39-393-862-3654
+393938626668 +39 393 862 6668 393 862 6668 tel:+39-393-862-6668
+393938628779 +39 393 862 8779 393 862 8779 tel:+39-393-862-8779
+393938629216 +39 393 862 9216 393 862 9216 tel:+39-393-862-9216
+393938631458 +39 393 863 1458 393 863 1458 tel:+39-393-863-1458
+393938638533 +39 393 863 8533 393 863 8533 tel:+39-393-863-8533
+393938648100 +39 393 864 8100 393 864 8100 tel:+39-393-864-8100
+393938648363 +39 393 864 8363 393 864 8363 tel:+39-393-864-8363
+393938658256 +39 393 865 8256 393 865 8256 tel:+39-393-865-8256
+393938674113 +39 393 867 4113 393 867 4113 tel:+39-393-867-4113
+393938696619 +39 393 869 6619 393 869 6619 tel:+39-393-869-6619
+393938700343 +39 393 870 0343 393 870 0343 tel:+39-393-870-0343
+393938700791 +39 393 870 0791 393 870 0791 tel:+39-393-870-0791
+393938701044 +39 393 870 1044 393 870 1044 tel:+39-393-870-1044
+393938705482 +39 393 870 5482 393 870 5482 tel:+39-393-870-5482
+393938707692 +39 393 870 7692 393 870 7692 tel:+39-393-870-7692
+393938709387 +39 393 870 9387 393 870 9387 tel:+39-393-870-9387
+393938709396 +39 393 870 9396 393 870 9396 tel:+39-393-870-9396
+393938715528 +39 393 871 5528 393 871 5528 tel:+39-393-871-5528
+393938715546 +39 393 871 5546 393 871 5546 tel:+39-393-871-5546
+393938715831 +39 393 871 5831 393 871 5831 tel:+39-393-871-5831
+393938717024 +39 393 871 7024 393 871 7024 tel:+39-393-871-7024
+393938720015 +39 393 872 0015 393 872 0015 tel:+39-393-872-0015
+393938720898 +39 393 872 0898 393 872 0898 tel:+39-393-872-0898
+393938728419 +39 393 872 8419 393 872 8419 tel:+39-393-872-8419
+393938740633 +39 393 874 0633 393 874 0633 tel:+39-393-874-0633
+393938747918 +39 393 874 7918 393 874 7918 tel:+39-393-874-7918
+393938748271 +39 393 874 8271 393 874 8271 tel:+39-393-874-8271