Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 08:53
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 08:53.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393939038297 +39 393 903 8297 393 903 8297 tel:+39-393-903-8297
+393939039317 +39 393 903 9317 393 903 9317 tel:+39-393-903-9317
+393939040333 +39 393 904 0333 393 904 0333 tel:+39-393-904-0333
+393939040335 +39 393 904 0335 393 904 0335 tel:+39-393-904-0335
+393939041937 +39 393 904 1937 393 904 1937 tel:+39-393-904-1937
+393939042407 +39 393 904 2407 393 904 2407 tel:+39-393-904-2407
+393939043210 +39 393 904 3210 393 904 3210 tel:+39-393-904-3210
+393939046394 +39 393 904 6394 393 904 6394 tel:+39-393-904-6394
+393939047264 +39 393 904 7264 393 904 7264 tel:+39-393-904-7264
+393939049503 +39 393 904 9503 393 904 9503 tel:+39-393-904-9503
+393939049504 +39 393 904 9504 393 904 9504 tel:+39-393-904-9504
+393939050282 +39 393 905 0282 393 905 0282 tel:+39-393-905-0282
+393939050745 +39 393 905 0745 393 905 0745 tel:+39-393-905-0745
+393939050746 +39 393 905 0746 393 905 0746 tel:+39-393-905-0746
+393939050748 +39 393 905 0748 393 905 0748 tel:+39-393-905-0748
+393939055555 +39 393 905 5555 393 905 5555 tel:+39-393-905-5555
+393939062731 +39 393 906 2731 393 906 2731 tel:+39-393-906-2731
+393939071524 +39 393 907 1524 393 907 1524 tel:+39-393-907-1524
+393939079482 +39 393 907 9482 393 907 9482 tel:+39-393-907-9482
+393939084927 +39 393 908 4927 393 908 4927 tel:+39-393-908-4927
+393939085918 +39 393 908 5918 393 908 5918 tel:+39-393-908-5918
+393939087729 +39 393 908 7729 393 908 7729 tel:+39-393-908-7729
+393939089909 +39 393 908 9909 393 908 9909 tel:+39-393-908-9909
+393939094405 +39 393 909 4405 393 909 4405 tel:+39-393-909-4405
+393939095735 +39 393 909 5735 393 909 5735 tel:+39-393-909-5735
+393939096889 +39 393 909 6889 393 909 6889 tel:+39-393-909-6889
+393939096891 +39 393 909 6891 393 909 6891 tel:+39-393-909-6891
+393939097124 +39 393 909 7124 393 909 7124 tel:+39-393-909-7124
+393939097240 +39 393 909 7240 393 909 7240 tel:+39-393-909-7240
+393939098137 +39 393 909 8137 393 909 8137 tel:+39-393-909-8137
+393939098822 +39 393 909 8822 393 909 8822 tel:+39-393-909-8822
+393939100400 +39 393 910 0400 393 910 0400 tel:+39-393-910-0400
+393939100952 +39 393 910 0952 393 910 0952 tel:+39-393-910-0952
+393939102600 +39 393 910 2600 393 910 2600 tel:+39-393-910-2600
+393939109500 +39 393 910 9500 393 910 9500 tel:+39-393-910-9500
+393939110469 +39 393 911 0469 393 911 0469 tel:+39-393-911-0469
+393939111582 +39 393 911 1582 393 911 1582 tel:+39-393-911-1582
+393939111603 +39 393 911 1603 393 911 1603 tel:+39-393-911-1603
+393939111624 +39 393 911 1624 393 911 1624 tel:+39-393-911-1624
+393939111683 +39 393 911 1683 393 911 1683 tel:+39-393-911-1683
+393939111805 +39 393 911 1805 393 911 1805 tel:+39-393-911-1805
+393939111806 +39 393 911 1806 393 911 1806 tel:+39-393-911-1806
+393939111829 +39 393 911 1829 393 911 1829 tel:+39-393-911-1829
+393939111830 +39 393 911 1830 393 911 1830 tel:+39-393-911-1830
+393939111832 +39 393 911 1832 393 911 1832 tel:+39-393-911-1832
+393939112471 +39 393 911 2471 393 911 2471 tel:+39-393-911-2471
+393939112550 +39 393 911 2550 393 911 2550 tel:+39-393-911-2550
+393939112553 +39 393 911 2553 393 911 2553 tel:+39-393-911-2553
+393939112554 +39 393 911 2554 393 911 2554 tel:+39-393-911-2554
+393939112555 +39 393 911 2555 393 911 2555 tel:+39-393-911-2555