Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 06:26
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 06:26.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393939112571 +39 393 911 2571 393 911 2571 tel:+39-393-911-2571
+393939112685 +39 393 911 2685 393 911 2685 tel:+39-393-911-2685
+393939112687 +39 393 911 2687 393 911 2687 tel:+39-393-911-2687
+393939112688 +39 393 911 2688 393 911 2688 tel:+39-393-911-2688
+393939112689 +39 393 911 2689 393 911 2689 tel:+39-393-911-2689
+393939112822 +39 393 911 2822 393 911 2822 tel:+39-393-911-2822
+393939112823 +39 393 911 2823 393 911 2823 tel:+39-393-911-2823
+393939112826 +39 393 911 2826 393 911 2826 tel:+39-393-911-2826
+393939112827 +39 393 911 2827 393 911 2827 tel:+39-393-911-2827
+393939112852 +39 393 911 2852 393 911 2852 tel:+39-393-911-2852
+393939112853 +39 393 911 2853 393 911 2853 tel:+39-393-911-2853
+393939112854 +39 393 911 2854 393 911 2854 tel:+39-393-911-2854
+393939112855 +39 393 911 2855 393 911 2855 tel:+39-393-911-2855
+393939112894 +39 393 911 2894 393 911 2894 tel:+39-393-911-2894
+393939112895 +39 393 911 2895 393 911 2895 tel:+39-393-911-2895
+393939112961 +39 393 911 2961 393 911 2961 tel:+39-393-911-2961
+393939120622 +39 393 912 0622 393 912 0622 tel:+39-393-912-0622
+393939128213 +39 393 912 8213 393 912 8213 tel:+39-393-912-8213
+393939128351 +39 393 912 8351 393 912 8351 tel:+39-393-912-8351
+393939128489 +39 393 912 8489 393 912 8489 tel:+39-393-912-8489
+393939128755 +39 393 912 8755 393 912 8755 tel:+39-393-912-8755
+393939136164 +39 393 913 6164 393 913 6164 tel:+39-393-913-6164
+393939136928 +39 393 913 6928 393 913 6928 tel:+39-393-913-6928
+393939138480 +39 393 913 8480 393 913 8480 tel:+39-393-913-8480
+393939141976 +39 393 914 1976 393 914 1976 tel:+39-393-914-1976
+393939145763 +39 393 914 5763 393 914 5763 tel:+39-393-914-5763
+393939147105 +39 393 914 7105 393 914 7105 tel:+39-393-914-7105
+393939147290 +39 393 914 7290 393 914 7290 tel:+39-393-914-7290
+393939150469 +39 393 915 0469 393 915 0469 tel:+39-393-915-0469
+393939151365 +39 393 915 1365 393 915 1365 tel:+39-393-915-1365
+393939152289 +39 393 915 2289 393 915 2289 tel:+39-393-915-2289
+393939152290 +39 393 915 2290 393 915 2290 tel:+39-393-915-2290
+393939154004 +39 393 915 4004 393 915 4004 tel:+39-393-915-4004
+393939157975 +39 393 915 7975 393 915 7975 tel:+39-393-915-7975
+393939157976 +39 393 915 7976 393 915 7976 tel:+39-393-915-7976
+393939158725 +39 393 915 8725 393 915 8725 tel:+39-393-915-8725
+393939158832 +39 393 915 8832 393 915 8832 tel:+39-393-915-8832
+393939159554 +39 393 915 9554 393 915 9554 tel:+39-393-915-9554
+393939160911 +39 393 916 0911 393 916 0911 tel:+39-393-916-0911
+393939163508 +39 393 916 3508 393 916 3508 tel:+39-393-916-3508
+393939163607 +39 393 916 3607 393 916 3607 tel:+39-393-916-3607
+393939164808 +39 393 916 4808 393 916 4808 tel:+39-393-916-4808
+393939164877 +39 393 916 4877 393 916 4877 tel:+39-393-916-4877
+393939165912 +39 393 916 5912 393 916 5912 tel:+39-393-916-5912
+393939166260 +39 393 916 6260 393 916 6260 tel:+39-393-916-6260
+393939169694 +39 393 916 9694 393 916 9694 tel:+39-393-916-9694
+393939170705 +39 393 917 0705 393 917 0705 tel:+39-393-917-0705
+393939170717 +39 393 917 0717 393 917 0717 tel:+39-393-917-0717
+393939171220 +39 393 917 1220 393 917 1220 tel:+39-393-917-1220
+393939171821 +39 393 917 1821 393 917 1821 tel:+39-393-917-1821