Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:21
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 03:21.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+39108371371 +39 108371371 108371371 tel:+39-108371371
+39498700877 +39 498700877 498700877 tel:+39-498700877
+39922836327 +39 922836327 922836327 tel:+39-922836327
+39144485634 +39 144 485 634 144 485 634 tel:+39-144-485-634
+393501699479 +39 350 169 9479 350 169 9479 tel:+39-350-169-9479
+393183496640 +39 318 349 6640 318 349 6640 tel:+39-318-349-6640
+393292742881 +39 329 274 2881 329 274 2881 tel:+39-329-274-2881
+398738966108 +39 873 896 6108 873 896 6108 tel:+39-873-896-6108
+398687640788 +39 868 764 0788 868 764 0788 tel:+39-868-764-0788
+393509326734 +39 350 932 6734 350 932 6734 tel:+39-350-932-6734
+39131950723 +39 131950723 131950723 tel:+39-131950723
+39958260149 +39 958260149 958260149 tel:+39-958260149
+393343299420 +39 334 329 9420 334 329 9420 tel:+39-334-329-9420
+393512366107 +39 351 236 6107 351 236 6107 tel:+39-351-236-6107
+3935583058 +39 35583058 35583058 tel:+39-35583058
+39442640869 +39 442640869 442640869 tel:+39-442640869
+393400680693 +39 340 068 0693 340 068 0693 tel:+39-340-068-0693
+3965011246 +39 65011246 65011246 tel:+39-65011246
+393471530153 +39 347 153 0153 347 153 0153 tel:+39-347-153-0153
+393755375786 +39 375 537 5786 375 537 5786 tel:+39-375-537-5786
+393452361498 +39 345 236 1498 345 236 1498 tel:+39-345-236-1498
+393368698856 +39 336 869 8856 336 869 8856 tel:+39-336-869-8856
+393496755962 +39 349 675 5962 349 675 5962 tel:+39-349-675-5962
+393317884504 +39 331 788 4504 331 788 4504 tel:+39-331-788-4504
+39351770106028 +39 351 7701 06028 351 7701 06028 tel:+39-351-7701-06028
+393482838136 +39 348 283 8136 348 283 8136 tel:+39-348-283-8136
+393680853960 +39 368 085 3960 368 085 3960 tel:+39-368-085-3960
+3973830967 +39 73830967 73830967 tel:+39-73830967
+393511291040 +39 351 129 1040 351 129 1040 tel:+39-351-129-1040
+393454837528 +39 345 483 7528 345 483 7528 tel:+39-345-483-7528
+393455186600 +39 345 518 6600 345 518 6600 tel:+39-345-518-6600
+393391760196 +39 339 176 0196 339 176 0196 tel:+39-339-176-0196
+39577393592 +39 57 739 3592 57 739 3592 tel:+39-57-739-3592
+393392316237 +39 339 231 6237 339 231 6237 tel:+39-339-231-6237
+393290480916 +39 329 048 0916 329 048 0916 tel:+39-329-048-0916
+393455282041 +39 345 528 2041 345 528 2041 tel:+39-345-528-2041
+393454131807 +39 345 413 1807 345 413 1807 tel:+39-345-413-1807
+393511154940 +39 351 115 4940 351 115 4940 tel:+39-351-115-4940
+393312355047 +39 331 235 5047 331 235 5047 tel:+39-331-235-5047
+393512165897 +39 351 216 5897 351 216 5897 tel:+39-351-216-5897
+393476218349 +39 347 621 8349 347 621 8349 tel:+39-347-621-8349
+393761766946 +39 376 176 6946 376 176 6946 tel:+39-376-176-6946
+393483611215 +39 348 361 1215 348 361 1215 tel:+39-348-361-1215
+393465963461 +39 346 596 3461 346 596 3461 tel:+39-346-596-3461
+39694292901 +39 694292901 694292901 tel:+39-694292901
+393295669003 +39 329 566 9003 329 566 9003 tel:+39-329-566-9003
+393501933994 +39 350 193 3994 350 193 3994 tel:+39-350-193-3994
+39881751964 +39 881 751 964 881 751 964 tel:+39-881-751-964
+394928238599 +39 4928238599 4928238599 tel:+39-4928238599
+393463505110 +39 346 350 5110 346 350 5110 tel:+39-346-350-5110