Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 21:24
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 21:24.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393939555489 +39 393 955 5489 393 955 5489 tel:+39-393-955-5489
+393939572129 +39 393 957 2129 393 957 2129 tel:+39-393-957-2129
+393939597429 +39 393 959 7429 393 959 7429 tel:+39-393-959-7429
+393939609103 +39 393 960 9103 393 960 9103 tel:+39-393-960-9103
+393939612077 +39 393 961 2077 393 961 2077 tel:+39-393-961-2077
+393939628749 +39 393 962 8749 393 962 8749 tel:+39-393-962-8749
+393939633633 +39 393 963 3633 393 963 3633 tel:+39-393-963-3633
+393939633963 +39 393 963 3963 393 963 3963 tel:+39-393-963-3963
+393939636636 +39 393 963 6636 393 963 6636 tel:+39-393-963-6636
+393939636963 +39 393 963 6963 393 963 6963 tel:+39-393-963-6963
+393939639636 +39 393 963 9636 393 963 9636 tel:+39-393-963-9636
+393939639963 +39 393 963 9963 393 963 9963 tel:+39-393-963-9963
+393939658331 +39 393 965 8331 393 965 8331 tel:+39-393-965-8331
+393939663663 +39 393 966 3663 393 966 3663 tel:+39-393-966-3663
+393939673516 +39 393 967 3516 393 967 3516 tel:+39-393-967-3516
+393939688974 +39 393 968 8974 393 968 8974 tel:+39-393-968-8974
+393939692287 +39 393 969 2287 393 969 2287 tel:+39-393-969-2287
+393939699969 +39 393 969 9969 393 969 9969 tel:+39-393-969-9969
+393939701841 +39 393 970 1841 393 970 1841 tel:+39-393-970-1841
+393939705077 +39 393 970 5077 393 970 5077 tel:+39-393-970-5077
+393939709072 +39 393 970 9072 393 970 9072 tel:+39-393-970-9072
+393939729467 +39 393 972 9467 393 972 9467 tel:+39-393-972-9467
+393939763157 +39 393 976 3157 393 976 3157 tel:+39-393-976-3157
+393939785139 +39 393 978 5139 393 978 5139 tel:+39-393-978-5139
+393939794459 +39 393 979 4459 393 979 4459 tel:+39-393-979-4459
+393939797418 +39 393 979 7418 393 979 7418 tel:+39-393-979-7418
+393939821941 +39 393 982 1941 393 982 1941 tel:+39-393-982-1941
+393939827212 +39 393 982 7212 393 982 7212 tel:+39-393-982-7212
+393939828054 +39 393 982 8054 393 982 8054 tel:+39-393-982-8054
+393939853987 +39 393 985 3987 393 985 3987 tel:+39-393-985-3987
+393939901652 +39 393 990 1652 393 990 1652 tel:+39-393-990-1652
+393939933865 +39 393 993 3865 393 993 3865 tel:+39-393-993-3865
+393939936799 +39 393 993 6799 393 993 6799 tel:+39-393-993-6799
+393939941544 +39 393 994 1544 393 994 1544 tel:+39-393-994-1544
+393939946211 +39 393 994 6211 393 994 6211 tel:+39-393-994-6211
+393939947732 +39 393 994 7732 393 994 7732 tel:+39-393-994-7732
+393939968328 +39 393 996 8328 393 996 8328 tel:+39-393-996-8328
+393939969996 +39 393 996 9996 393 996 9996 tel:+39-393-996-9996
+393939992023 +39 393 999 2023 393 999 2023 tel:+39-393-999-2023
+393952423236 +39 395 242 3236 395 242 3236 tel:+39-395-242-3236
+393952423296 +39 395 242 3296 395 242 3296 tel:+39-395-242-3296
+393952426865 +39 395 242 6865 395 242 6865 tel:+39-395-242-6865
+393952426890 +39 395 242 6890 395 242 6890 tel:+39-395-242-6890
+393952526541 +39 395 252 6541 395 252 6541 tel:+39-395-252-6541
+393956879852 +39 395 687 9852 395 687 9852 tel:+39-395-687-9852
+393957688925 +39 395 768 8925 395 768 8925 tel:+39-395-768-8925
+393975886785 +39 397 588 6785 397 588 6785 tel:+39-397-588-6785
+393996575876 +39 399 657 5876 399 657 5876 tel:+39-399-657-5876
+393515612244 +39 351 561 2244 351 561 2244 tel:+39-351-561-2244
+39266305137 +39 266305137 266305137 tel:+39-266305137