Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 07:35
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 07:35.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+3923656592 +39 23656592 23656592 tel:+39-23656592
+393496214145 +39 349 621 4145 349 621 4145 tel:+39-349-621-4145
+393374435014 +39 337 443 5014 337 443 5014 tel:+39-337-443-5014
+3921112921 +39 21112921 21112921 tel:+39-21112921
+393286914673 +39 328 691 4673 328 691 4673 tel:+39-328-691-4673
+393463978183 +39 346 397 8183 346 397 8183 tel:+39-346-397-8183
+393400828082 +39 340 082 8082 340 082 8082 tel:+39-340-082-8082
+393246840016 +39 324 684 0016 324 684 0016 tel:+39-324-684-0016
+393347737600 +39 334 773 7600 334 773 7600 tel:+39-334-773-7600
+393409374076 +39 340 937 4076 340 937 4076 tel:+39-340-937-4076
+393494113852 +39 349 411 3852 349 411 3852 tel:+39-349-411-3852
+393444752887 +39 344 475 2887 344 475 2887 tel:+39-344-475-2887
+39239623713 +39 239623713 239623713 tel:+39-239623713
+393456942113 +39 345 694 2113 345 694 2113 tel:+39-345-694-2113
+393404566685 +39 340 456 6685 340 456 6685 tel:+39-340-456-6685
+393467136149 +39 346 713 6149 346 713 6149 tel:+39-346-713-6149
+393920618954 +39 392 061 8954 392 061 8954 tel:+39-392-061-8954
+393492624057 +39 349 262 4057 349 262 4057 tel:+39-349-262-4057
+393463553100 +39 346 355 3100 346 355 3100 tel:+39-346-355-3100
+393472971936 +39 347 297 1936 347 297 1936 tel:+39-347-297-1936
+393489724311 +39 348 972 4311 348 972 4311 tel:+39-348-972-4311
+393404932563 +39 340 493 2563 340 493 2563 tel:+39-340-493-2563
+393495054520 +39 349 505 4520 349 505 4520 tel:+39-349-505-4520
+3925529340 +39 25529340 25529340 tel:+39-25529340
+393479967754 +39 347 996 7754 347 996 7754 tel:+39-347-996-7754
+3969462094 +39 69462094 69462094 tel:+39-69462094
+393356044550 +39 335 604 4550 335 604 4550 tel:+39-335-604-4550
+393463650756 +39 346 365 0756 346 365 0756 tel:+39-346-365-0756
+393402500109 +39 340 250 0109 340 250 0109 tel:+39-340-250-0109
+393377615388 +39 337 761 5388 337 761 5388 tel:+39-337-761-5388
+393745995808 +39 374 599 5808 374 599 5808 tel:+39-374-599-5808
+393313745645 +39 331 374 5645 331 374 5645 tel:+39-331-374-5645
+393421733259 +39 342 173 3259 342 173 3259 tel:+39-342-173-3259
+393488703295 +39 348 870 3295 348 870 3295 tel:+39-348-870-3295
+393475218981 +39 347 521 8981 347 521 8981 tel:+39-347-521-8981
+3925577907 +39 25577907 25577907 tel:+39-25577907
+393445129780 +39 344 512 9780 344 512 9780 tel:+39-344-512-9780
+393478808116 +39 347 880 8116 347 880 8116 tel:+39-347-880-8116
+393456081151 +39 345 608 1151 345 608 1151 tel:+39-345-608-1151
+392124125047 +39 2124125047 2124125047 tel:+39-2124125047
+393495514690 +39 349 551 4690 349 551 4690 tel:+39-349-551-4690
+393486592989 +39 348 659 2989 348 659 2989 tel:+39-348-659-2989
+393455218051 +39 345 521 8051 345 521 8051 tel:+39-345-521-8051
+393475080070 +39 347 508 0070 347 508 0070 tel:+39-347-508-0070
+393714299915 +39 371 429 9915 371 429 9915 tel:+39-371-429-9915
+393517563977 +39 351 756 3977 351 756 3977 tel:+39-351-756-3977