Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 16:30
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 16:30.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393755977230 +39 375 597 7230 375 597 7230 tel:+39-375-597-7230
+393477806579 +39 347 780 6579 347 780 6579 tel:+39-347-780-6579
+393420223065 +39 342 022 3065 342 022 3065 tel:+39-342-022-3065
+393463590294 +39 346 359 0294 346 359 0294 tel:+39-346-359-0294
+393347746711 +39 334 774 6711 334 774 6711 tel:+39-334-774-6711
+393407657551 +39 340 765 7551 340 765 7551 tel:+39-340-765-7551
+393432314889 +39 343 231 4889 343 231 4889 tel:+39-343-231-4889
+393775646360 +39 377 564 6360 377 564 6360 tel:+39-377-564-6360
+393711581502 +39 371 158 1502 371 158 1502 tel:+39-371-158-1502
+393510345031 +39 351 034 5031 351 034 5031 tel:+39-351-034-5031
+393770201589 +39 377 020 1589 377 020 1589 tel:+39-377-020-1589
+393470689954 +39 347 068 9954 347 068 9954 tel:+39-347-068-9954
+393425063825 +39 342 506 3825 342 506 3825 tel:+39-342-506-3825
+393701568812 +39 370 156 8812 370 156 8812 tel:+39-370-156-8812
+393770425774 +39 377 042 5774 377 042 5774 tel:+39-377-042-5774
+393714285486 +39 371 428 5486 371 428 5486 tel:+39-371-428-5486
+393494078987 +39 349 407 8987 349 407 8987 tel:+39-349-407-8987
+393780305458 +39 378 030 5458 378 030 5458 tel:+39-378-030-5458
+393714770257 +39 371 477 0257 371 477 0257 tel:+39-371-477-0257
+393427327414 +39 342 732 7414 342 732 7414 tel:+39-342-732-7414
+393553894212 +39 355 389 4212 355 389 4212 tel:+39-355-389-4212
+393486253359 +39 348 625 3359 348 625 3359 tel:+39-348-625-3359
+393496785461 +39 349 678 5461 349 678 5461 tel:+39-349-678-5461
+393667423556 +39 366 742 3556 366 742 3556 tel:+39-366-742-3556
+393423278870 +39 342 327 8870 342 327 8870 tel:+39-342-327-8870
+393559603817 +39 355 960 3817 355 960 3817 tel:+39-355-960-3817
+393468496408 +39 346 849 6408 346 849 6408 tel:+39-346-849-6408
+393770814978 +39 377 081 4978 377 081 4978 tel:+39-377-081-4978
+393773587208 +39 377 358 7208 377 358 7208 tel:+39-377-358-7208
+393510852962 +39 351 085 2962 351 085 2962 tel:+39-351-085-2962
+393409546807 +39 340 954 6807 340 954 6807 tel:+39-340-954-6807
+393508004273 +39 350 800 4273 350 800 4273 tel:+39-350-800-4273
+393490739908 +39 349 073 9908 349 073 9908 tel:+39-349-073-9908
+393446491112 +39 344 649 1112 344 649 1112 tel:+39-344-649-1112
+393483786766 +39 348 378 6766 348 378 6766 tel:+39-348-378-6766
+393441406978 +39 344 140 6978 344 140 6978 tel:+39-344-140-6978
+393510277547 +39 351 027 7547 351 027 7547 tel:+39-351-027-7547
+393488018067 +39 348 801 8067 348 801 8067 tel:+39-348-801-8067
+393711668251 +39 371 166 8251 371 166 8251 tel:+39-371-166-8251
+393667254723 +39 366 725 4723 366 725 4723 tel:+39-366-725-4723
+393429906856 +39 342 990 6856 342 990 6856 tel:+39-342-990-6856
+393465793532 +39 346 579 3532 346 579 3532 tel:+39-346-579-3532
+393376215158 +39 337 621 5158 337 621 5158 tel:+39-337-621-5158
+393533308657 +39 353 330 8657 353 330 8657 tel:+39-353-330-8657
+393289317123 +39 328 931 7123 328 931 7123 tel:+39-328-931-7123
+393757694336 +39 375 769 4336 375 769 4336 tel:+39-375-769-4336
+393496659086 +39 349 665 9086 349 665 9086 tel:+39-349-665-9086
+393478418434 +39 347 841 8434 347 841 8434 tel:+39-347-841-8434
+393476829124 +39 347 682 9124 347 682 9124 tel:+39-347-682-9124
+393474972229 +39 347 497 2229 347 497 2229 tel:+39-347-497-2229