Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 16:34
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 16:34.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393453470704 +39 345 347 0704 345 347 0704 tel:+39-345-347-0704
+393701472009 +39 370 147 2009 370 147 2009 tel:+39-370-147-2009
+393351440997 +39 335 144 0997 335 144 0997 tel:+39-335-144-0997
+393922491275 +39 392 249 1275 392 249 1275 tel:+39-392-249-1275
+393483165392 +39 348 316 5392 348 316 5392 tel:+39-348-316-5392
+393771227112 +39 377 122 7112 377 122 7112 tel:+39-377-122-7112
+393662143628 +39 366 214 3628 366 214 3628 tel:+39-366-214-3628
+393473598898 +39 347 359 8898 347 359 8898 tel:+39-347-359-8898
+393473119778 +39 347 311 9778 347 311 9778 tel:+39-347-311-9778
+393461100052 +39 346 110 0052 346 110 0052 tel:+39-346-110-0052
+393486731441 +39 348 673 1441 348 673 1441 tel:+39-348-673-1441
+393716432463 +39 371 643 2463 371 643 2463 tel:+39-371-643-2463
+393792555107 +39 379 255 5107 379 255 5107 tel:+39-379-255-5107
+393471813259 +39 347 181 3259 347 181 3259 tel:+39-347-181-3259
+393738120583 +39 373 812 0583 373 812 0583 tel:+39-373-812-0583
+393389326928 +39 338 932 6928 338 932 6928 tel:+39-338-932-6928
+393401370253 +39 340 137 0253 340 137 0253 tel:+39-340-137-0253
+393472598020 +39 347 259 8020 347 259 8020 tel:+39-347-259-8020
+3921698741 +39 21698741 21698741 tel:+39-21698741
+393393750352 +39 339 375 0352 339 375 0352 tel:+39-339-375-0352
+393453546625 +39 345 354 6625 345 354 6625 tel:+39-345-354-6625
+393514395548 +39 351 439 5548 351 439 5548 tel:+39-351-439-5548
+393452168790 +39 345 216 8790 345 216 8790 tel:+39-345-216-8790
+393487553005 +39 348 755 3005 348 755 3005 tel:+39-348-755-3005
+393462214397 +39 346 221 4397 346 221 4397 tel:+39-346-221-4397
+393463138914 +39 346 313 8914 346 313 8914 tel:+39-346-313-8914
+393470852918 +39 347 085 2918 347 085 2918 tel:+39-347-085-2918
+393357761771 +39 335 776 1771 335 776 1771 tel:+39-335-776-1771
+393445893061 +39 344 589 3061 344 589 3061 tel:+39-344-589-3061
+393408382644 +39 340 838 2644 340 838 2644 tel:+39-340-838-2644
+393499795001 +39 349 979 5001 349 979 5001 tel:+39-349-979-5001
+393501604398 +39 350 160 4398 350 160 4398 tel:+39-350-160-4398
+393489860105 +39 348 986 0105 348 986 0105 tel:+39-348-986-0105
+393771228514 +39 377 122 8514 377 122 8514 tel:+39-377-122-8514
+393428927857 +39 342 892 7857 342 892 7857 tel:+39-342-892-7857
+393389436569 +39 338 943 6569 338 943 6569 tel:+39-338-943-6569
+393461034119 +39 346 103 4119 346 103 4119 tel:+39-346-103-4119
+393484361719 +39 348 436 1719 348 436 1719 tel:+39-348-436-1719
+393445269916 +39 344 526 9916 344 526 9916 tel:+39-344-526-9916
+393220294464 +39 322 029 4464 322 029 4464 tel:+39-322-029-4464
+393455182368 +39 345 518 2368 345 518 2368 tel:+39-345-518-2368
+393512059691 +39 351 205 9691 351 205 9691 tel:+39-351-205-9691
+393407072729 +39 340 707 2729 340 707 2729 tel:+39-340-707-2729
+393462310873 +39 346 231 0873 346 231 0873 tel:+39-346-231-0873
+393492832550 +39 349 283 2550 349 283 2550 tel:+39-349-283-2550
+393338399231 +39 333 839 9231 333 839 9231 tel:+39-333-839-9231
+393447931311 +39 344 793 1311 344 793 1311 tel:+39-344-793-1311
+393775646361 +39 377 564 6361 377 564 6361 tel:+39-377-564-6361
+393479775626 +39 347 977 5626 347 977 5626 tel:+39-347-977-5626
+393399685809 +39 339 968 5809 339 968 5809 tel:+39-339-968-5809