Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 16:45
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 16:45.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393287874804 +39 328 787 4804 328 787 4804 tel:+39-328-787-4804
+393287877877 +39 328 787 7877 328 787 7877 tel:+39-328-787-7877
+393287882268 +39 328 788 2268 328 788 2268 tel:+39-328-788-2268
+393287898505 +39 328 789 8505 328 789 8505 tel:+39-328-789-8505
+393287964435 +39 328 796 4435 328 796 4435 tel:+39-328-796-4435
+393288043775 +39 328 804 3775 328 804 3775 tel:+39-328-804-3775
+393288239890 +39 328 823 9890 328 823 9890 tel:+39-328-823-9890
+393288324240 +39 328 832 4240 328 832 4240 tel:+39-328-832-4240
+393288343342 +39 328 834 3342 328 834 3342 tel:+39-328-834-3342
+393288419682 +39 328 841 9682 328 841 9682 tel:+39-328-841-9682
+393288424958 +39 328 842 4958 328 842 4958 tel:+39-328-842-4958
+393288429230 +39 328 842 9230 328 842 9230 tel:+39-328-842-9230
+393288459232 +39 328 845 9232 328 845 9232 tel:+39-328-845-9232
+393288469608 +39 328 846 9608 328 846 9608 tel:+39-328-846-9608
+393288491429 +39 328 849 1429 328 849 1429 tel:+39-328-849-1429
+393288498490 +39 328 849 8490 328 849 8490 tel:+39-328-849-8490
+393288530035 +39 328 853 0035 328 853 0035 tel:+39-328-853-0035
+393288681619 +39 328 868 1619 328 868 1619 tel:+39-328-868-1619
+393288694851 +39 328 869 4851 328 869 4851 tel:+39-328-869-4851
+393288795014 +39 328 879 5014 328 879 5014 tel:+39-328-879-5014
+393288829691 +39 328 882 9691 328 882 9691 tel:+39-328-882-9691
+393288883359 +39 328 888 3359 328 888 3359 tel:+39-328-888-3359
+393288891194 +39 328 889 1194 328 889 1194 tel:+39-328-889-1194
+393289112219 +39 328 911 2219 328 911 2219 tel:+39-328-911-2219
+393289119256 +39 328 911 9256 328 911 9256 tel:+39-328-911-9256
+393289160562 +39 328 916 0562 328 916 0562 tel:+39-328-916-0562
+393289195945 +39 328 919 5945 328 919 5945 tel:+39-328-919-5945
+393289241172 +39 328 924 1172 328 924 1172 tel:+39-328-924-1172
+393289257451 +39 328 925 7451 328 925 7451 tel:+39-328-925-7451
+393289262633 +39 328 926 2633 328 926 2633 tel:+39-328-926-2633
+393289268618 +39 328 926 8618 328 926 8618 tel:+39-328-926-8618
+393289417745 +39 328 941 7745 328 941 7745 tel:+39-328-941-7745
+393289459129 +39 328 945 9129 328 945 9129 tel:+39-328-945-9129
+393289618979 +39 328 961 8979 328 961 8979 tel:+39-328-961-8979
+393289627388 +39 328 962 7388 328 962 7388 tel:+39-328-962-7388
+393289677384 +39 328 967 7384 328 967 7384 tel:+39-328-967-7384
+393289835377 +39 328 983 5377 328 983 5377 tel:+39-328-983-5377
+393290139166 +39 329 013 9166 329 013 9166 tel:+39-329-013-9166
+393290140273 +39 329 014 0273 329 014 0273 tel:+39-329-014-0273
+393290142986 +39 329 014 2986 329 014 2986 tel:+39-329-014-2986
+393290142999 +39 329 014 2999 329 014 2999 tel:+39-329-014-2999
+393290334293 +39 329 033 4293 329 033 4293 tel:+39-329-033-4293
+393290393150 +39 329 039 3150 329 039 3150 tel:+39-329-039-3150
+393290449217 +39 329 044 9217 329 044 9217 tel:+39-329-044-9217
+393290598441 +39 329 059 8441 329 059 8441 tel:+39-329-059-8441
+393290715987 +39 329 071 5987 329 071 5987 tel:+39-329-071-5987
+393290738343 +39 329 073 8343 329 073 8343 tel:+39-329-073-8343
+393290750596 +39 329 075 0596 329 075 0596 tel:+39-329-075-0596
+393290868144 +39 329 086 8144 329 086 8144 tel:+39-329-086-8144
+393290912698 +39 329 091 2698 329 091 2698 tel:+39-329-091-2698