Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 05:52
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 05:52.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393290917942 +39 329 091 7942 329 091 7942 tel:+39-329-091-7942
+393290919812 +39 329 091 9812 329 091 9812 tel:+39-329-091-9812
+393290981106 +39 329 098 1106 329 098 1106 tel:+39-329-098-1106
+393291240787 +39 329 124 0787 329 124 0787 tel:+39-329-124-0787
+393291276262 +39 329 127 6262 329 127 6262 tel:+39-329-127-6262
+393291328957 +39 329 132 8957 329 132 8957 tel:+39-329-132-8957
+393291373219 +39 329 137 3219 329 137 3219 tel:+39-329-137-3219
+393291376472 +39 329 137 6472 329 137 6472 tel:+39-329-137-6472
+393291406202 +39 329 140 6202 329 140 6202 tel:+39-329-140-6202
+393291451220 +39 329 145 1220 329 145 1220 tel:+39-329-145-1220
+393291517582 +39 329 151 7582 329 151 7582 tel:+39-329-151-7582
+393291591960 +39 329 159 1960 329 159 1960 tel:+39-329-159-1960
+393291662638 +39 329 166 2638 329 166 2638 tel:+39-329-166-2638
+393291758276 +39 329 175 8276 329 175 8276 tel:+39-329-175-8276
+393291904331 +39 329 190 4331 329 190 4331 tel:+39-329-190-4331
+393291949084 +39 329 194 9084 329 194 9084 tel:+39-329-194-9084
+393292016596 +39 329 201 6596 329 201 6596 tel:+39-329-201-6596
+393292064946 +39 329 206 4946 329 206 4946 tel:+39-329-206-4946
+393292089913 +39 329 208 9913 329 208 9913 tel:+39-329-208-9913
+393292160394 +39 329 216 0394 329 216 0394 tel:+39-329-216-0394
+393292289049 +39 329 228 9049 329 228 9049 tel:+39-329-228-9049
+393292348999 +39 329 234 8999 329 234 8999 tel:+39-329-234-8999
+393292412483 +39 329 241 2483 329 241 2483 tel:+39-329-241-2483
+393292455442 +39 329 245 5442 329 245 5442 tel:+39-329-245-5442
+393292462205 +39 329 246 2205 329 246 2205 tel:+39-329-246-2205
+393292472081 +39 329 247 2081 329 247 2081 tel:+39-329-247-2081
+393292519806 +39 329 251 9806 329 251 9806 tel:+39-329-251-9806
+393292617090 +39 329 261 7090 329 261 7090 tel:+39-329-261-7090
+393292779340 +39 329 277 9340 329 277 9340 tel:+39-329-277-9340
+393292811127 +39 329 281 1127 329 281 1127 tel:+39-329-281-1127
+393293064788 +39 329 306 4788 329 306 4788 tel:+39-329-306-4788
+393293125408 +39 329 312 5408 329 312 5408 tel:+39-329-312-5408
+393293212727 +39 329 321 2727 329 321 2727 tel:+39-329-321-2727
+393293245830 +39 329 324 5830 329 324 5830 tel:+39-329-324-5830
+393293265652 +39 329 326 5652 329 326 5652 tel:+39-329-326-5652
+393293318551 +39 329 331 8551 329 331 8551 tel:+39-329-331-8551
+393293318556 +39 329 331 8556 329 331 8556 tel:+39-329-331-8556
+393293318619 +39 329 331 8619 329 331 8619 tel:+39-329-331-8619
+393293319959 +39 329 331 9959 329 331 9959 tel:+39-329-331-9959
+393293385439 +39 329 338 5439 329 338 5439 tel:+39-329-338-5439
+393293393569 +39 329 339 3569 329 339 3569 tel:+39-329-339-3569
+393293443187 +39 329 344 3187 329 344 3187 tel:+39-329-344-3187
+393293483336 +39 329 348 3336 329 348 3336 tel:+39-329-348-3336
+393293933853 +39 329 393 3853 329 393 3853 tel:+39-329-393-3853
+393293939640 +39 329 393 9640 329 393 9640 tel:+39-329-393-9640
+393293955556 +39 329 395 5556 329 395 5556 tel:+39-329-395-5556
+393294079863 +39 329 407 9863 329 407 9863 tel:+39-329-407-9863
+393294117549 +39 329 411 7549 329 411 7549 tel:+39-329-411-7549
+393294149494 +39 329 414 9494 329 414 9494 tel:+39-329-414-9494
+393294261585 +39 329 426 1585 329 426 1585 tel:+39-329-426-1585