Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:50
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 03:50.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393426535556 +39 342 653 5556 342 653 5556 tel:+39-342-653-5556
+39382020219 +39 382 020 219 382 020 219 tel:+39-382-020-219
+393475720695 +39 347 572 0695 347 572 0695 tel:+39-347-572-0695
+393497484740 +39 349 748 4740 349 748 4740 tel:+39-349-748-4740
+39702182910 +39 702182910 702182910 tel:+39-702182910
+393401770009 +39 340 177 0009 340 177 0009 tel:+39-340-177-0009
+393495256954 +39 349 525 6954 349 525 6954 tel:+39-349-525-6954
+393472127577 +39 347 212 7577 347 212 7577 tel:+39-347-212-7577
+393614083513 +39 361 408 3513 361 408 3513 tel:+39-361-408-3513
+393402588787 +39 340 258 8787 340 258 8787 tel:+39-340-258-8787
+393493630986 +39 349 363 0986 349 363 0986 tel:+39-349-363-0986
+393493630987 +39 349 363 0987 349 363 0987 tel:+39-349-363-0987
+393488232678 +39 348 823 2678 348 823 2678 tel:+39-348-823-2678
+393482513066 +39 348 251 3066 348 251 3066 tel:+39-348-251-3066
+393405132376 +39 340 513 2376 340 513 2376 tel:+39-340-513-2376
+393497034326 +39 349 703 4326 349 703 4326 tel:+39-349-703-4326
+393457623159 +39 345 762 3159 345 762 3159 tel:+39-345-762-3159
+393451050881 +39 345 105 0881 345 105 0881 tel:+39-345-105-0881
+393460508963 +39 346 050 8963 346 050 8963 tel:+39-346-050-8963
+393450863133 +39 345 086 3133 345 086 3133 tel:+39-345-086-3133
+393473598300 +39 347 359 8300 347 359 8300 tel:+39-347-359-8300
+393480377898 +39 348 037 7898 348 037 7898 tel:+39-348-037-7898
+393462236298 +39 346 223 6298 346 223 6298 tel:+39-346-223-6298
+393332955848 +39 333 295 5848 333 295 5848 tel:+39-333-295-5848
+393492772357 +39 349 277 2357 349 277 2357 tel:+39-349-277-2357
+393448993246 +39 344 899 3246 344 899 3246 tel:+39-344-899-3246
+393343976302 +39 334 397 6302 334 397 6302 tel:+39-334-397-6302
+39681156339 +39 681156339 681156339 tel:+39-681156339
+393491738712 +39 349 173 8712 349 173 8712 tel:+39-349-173-8712
+393463048373 +39 346 304 8373 346 304 8373 tel:+39-346-304-8373
+393497229199 +39 349 722 9199 349 722 9199 tel:+39-349-722-9199
+393489186292 +39 348 918 6292 348 918 6292 tel:+39-348-918-6292
+393495674741 +39 349 567 4741 349 567 4741 tel:+39-349-567-4741
+393477388807 +39 347 738 8807 347 738 8807 tel:+39-347-738-8807
+393488445435 +39 348 844 5435 348 844 5435 tel:+39-348-844-5435
+393344420187 +39 334 442 0187 334 442 0187 tel:+39-334-442-0187
+393357131735 +39 335 713 1735 335 713 1735 tel:+39-335-713-1735
+393393998137 +39 339 399 8137 339 399 8137 tel:+39-339-399-8137
+393401297375 +39 340 129 7375 340 129 7375 tel:+39-340-129-7375
+393473030302 +39 347 303 0302 347 303 0302 tel:+39-347-303-0302
+393407596243 +39 340 759 6243 340 759 6243 tel:+39-340-759-6243
+393456816884 +39 345 681 6884 345 681 6884 tel:+39-345-681-6884
+393494016573 +39 349 401 6573 349 401 6573 tel:+39-349-401-6573
+393484683714 +39 348 468 3714 348 468 3714 tel:+39-348-468-3714
+393479596216 +39 347 959 6216 347 959 6216 tel:+39-347-959-6216
+393390309669 +39 339 030 9669 339 030 9669 tel:+39-339-030-9669
+393479483802 +39 347 948 3802 347 948 3802 tel:+39-347-948-3802
+393773299576 +39 377 329 9576 377 329 9576 tel:+39-377-329-9576
+393495615488 +39 349 561 5488 349 561 5488 tel:+39-349-561-5488
+393701559833 +39 370 155 9833 370 155 9833 tel:+39-370-155-9833