Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 04:13
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 04:13.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393494724904 +39 349 472 4904 349 472 4904 tel:+39-349-472-4904
+393456043705 +39 345 604 3705 345 604 3705 tel:+39-345-604-3705
+393497148561 +39 349 714 8561 349 714 8561 tel:+39-349-714-8561
+393363214780 +39 336 321 4780 336 321 4780 tel:+39-336-321-4780
+393409883413 +39 340 988 3413 340 988 3413 tel:+39-340-988-3413
+393382823719 +39 338 282 3719 338 282 3719 tel:+39-338-282-3719
+393461525256 +39 346 152 5256 346 152 5256 tel:+39-346-152-5256
+393533550079 +39 353 355 0079 353 355 0079 tel:+39-353-355-0079
+393482214686 +39 348 221 4686 348 221 4686 tel:+39-348-221-4686
+393452741646 +39 345 274 1646 345 274 1646 tel:+39-345-274-1646
+39703900205 +39 703900205 703900205 tel:+39-703900205
+393402931667 +39 340 293 1667 340 293 1667 tel:+39-340-293-1667
+393380055368 +39 338 005 5368 338 005 5368 tel:+39-338-005-5368
+393486461145 +39 348 646 1145 348 646 1145 tel:+39-348-646-1145
+393534580794 +39 353 458 0794 353 458 0794 tel:+39-353-458-0794
+393498404111 +39 349 840 4111 349 840 4111 tel:+39-349-840-4111
+393408065782 +39 340 806 5782 340 806 5782 tel:+39-340-806-5782
+393452305719 +39 345 230 5719 345 230 5719 tel:+39-345-230-5719
+39222227409 +39 222227409 222227409 tel:+39-222227409
+393496720070 +39 349 672 0070 349 672 0070 tel:+39-349-672-0070
+393348384661 +39 334 838 4661 334 838 4661 tel:+39-334-838-4661
+393470537559 +39 347 053 7559 347 053 7559 tel:+39-347-053-7559
+39266823463 +39 266823463 266823463 tel:+39-266823463
+393247812005 +39 324 781 2005 324 781 2005 tel:+39-324-781-2005
+393336092003 +39 333 609 2003 333 609 2003 tel:+39-333-609-2003
+393476336332 +39 347 633 6332 347 633 6332 tel:+39-347-633-6332
+393772437963 +39 377 243 7963 377 243 7963 tel:+39-377-243-7963
+393496749272 +39 349 674 9272 349 674 9272 tel:+39-349-674-9272
+39233408973 +39 233408973 233408973 tel:+39-233408973
+393420107373 +39 342 010 7373 342 010 7373 tel:+39-342-010-7373
+393482498649 +39 348 249 8649 348 249 8649 tel:+39-348-249-8649
+393508240456 +39 350 824 0456 350 824 0456 tel:+39-350-824-0456
+393932339815 +39 393 233 9815 393 233 9815 tel:+39-393-233-9815
+393755931229 +39 375 593 1229 375 593 1229 tel:+39-375-593-1229
+393518832328 +39 351 883 2328 351 883 2328 tel:+39-351-883-2328
+393511861155 +39 351 186 1155 351 186 1155 tel:+39-351-186-1155
+393908000323 +39 390 800 0323 390 800 0323 tel:+39-390-800-0323
+39699341819 +39 699341819 699341819 tel:+39-699341819
+393780305854 +39 378 030 5854 378 030 5854 tel:+39-378-030-5854
+393446739095 +39 344 673 9095 344 673 9095 tel:+39-344-673-9095
+393489557379 +39 348 955 7379 348 955 7379 tel:+39-348-955-7379
+393809808094 +39 380 980 8094 380 980 8094 tel:+39-380-980-8094
+393274112738 +39 327 411 2738 327 411 2738 tel:+39-327-411-2738
+393381598605 +39 338 159 8605 338 159 8605 tel:+39-338-159-8605
+393335050486 +39 333 505 0486 333 505 0486 tel:+39-333-505-0486
+393407213639 +39 340 721 3639 340 721 3639 tel:+39-340-721-3639
+393420107377 +39 342 010 7377 342 010 7377 tel:+39-342-010-7377
+393466805050 +39 346 680 5050 346 680 5050 tel:+39-346-680-5050
+393246924598 +39 324 692 4598 324 692 4598 tel:+39-324-692-4598
+393280015919 +39 328 001 5919 328 001 5919 tel:+39-328-001-5919